
What happens when two nuclear bombs collide?

What happens when two nuclear bombs collide?

When a uranium-235 atom absorbs a neutron and fissions into two new atoms, it releases three new neutrons and some binding energy. Both of those neutrons collide with uranium-235 atoms, each of which fission and release between one and three neutrons, and so on. This causes a nuclear chain reaction.

What happens when two missiles collide?

The warheads would be destroyed from the kinetic energy of the impact and would not detonate because the conditions for such have not been met (wrong height, wrong velocity, wrong time elapsed since launch, etc).

Who made the lethal V 2 missile?

Wernher von Braun
Developed in Germany from 1936 through the efforts of scientists led by Wernher von Braun, it was first successfully launched on October 3, 1942, and was fired against Paris on September 6, 1944. Two days later the first of more than 1,100 V-2s was fired against Great Britain (the last on March 27, 1945).

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What are the effects of a Nuclear Blast on humans?

The effects on a person from a nuclear blast will depend on the size of the bomb and the distance the person is from the explosion. However, a nuclear blast would likely cause great destruction, death, and injury, and have a wide area of impact.

What happens when a nuclear bomb hits the ground?

When a nuclear device is exploded, a large fireball is created. Everything inside of this fireball vaporizes, including soil and water, and is carried upwards. This creates the mushroom cloud that we associate with a nuclear blast, detonation, or explosion.

What happens to radioactive material after a nuclear explosion?

The condensed radioactive material then falls back to the earth; this is what is known as fallout. Because fallout is in the form of particles, it can be carried long distances on wind currents and end up miles from the site of the explosion.

What happens if a plane crashes into a nuclear power plant?

While a serious event such as a plane crash into a nuclear power plant could result in a release of radioactive material into the air, a nuclear power plant would not explode like a nuclear weapon.