
What happens when you click on a malicious link?

What happens when you click on a malicious link?

What Happens If You Click on a Phishing Link? Clicking on a phishing link or opening an attachment in one of these messages may install malware, like viruses, spyware or ransomware, on your device. This is all done behind the scenes, so it is undetectable to the average user.

Can malware access my contacts?

Your contacts receive messages you never sent If your phone is hacked, malware the hackers left on your phone may use your email, instant messaging services, and text messages to spread itself to your contacts. They usually send messages in your name and attach a link or a file that would infect other devices.

What is a malicious link in a phishing email?

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One of the techniques used by cybercriminals to facilitate all of the above is to include a malicious link in a phishing email. This link, if clicked, begins the process to steal data or infect your device with malware.

Why do people click on malicious links?

ZDNet reported that almost a quarter of users will click a malicious link if they believe the email is from a friend. Enticements to perform transactions: Cybercriminals are increasingly researching and using social engineering to entice their victims to transmit sensitive data or perform a financial transaction.

What is malicious email and how to prevent it?

Malicious email remains one of the most significant and ongoing computer security threats that we face. Cybercriminals use a variety of email-based attacks to deliver malware, lure victims to malicious websites, and steal logon credentials, and organizations everywhere need to understand these threats and how to implement effective safeguards.

What are the most common malicious payloads found in email-based attacks?

Although the malicious payloads found in email-based attacks frequently change, the vast majority of cybercriminals use three basic strategies: Malicious attachments: Emails often include dangerous attachments that install keyloggers, ransomware, and other malware when opened by the victim.