Tips and tricks

What helps with graduation anxiety?

What helps with graduation anxiety?

If you are a recent graduate who can resonate with my story, these are the four things that I did to help me manage my postgraduate anxiety.

  1. Talk to a friend. Talking to a friend about the negative thoughts I was ashamed of, helped me put things into perspective.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Take time out for myself.
  4. Let myself off the hook.

What to do if you don’t know what you want to do after college?


  1. Move to a New Place.
  2. Don’t Be Afraid to Live at Home.
  3. Spend Time Networking.
  4. Get an Apprenticeship.
  5. Pursue a Volunteer Opportunity.
  6. Consider Graduate School (But Only For the Right Reasons)
  7. Try Working for Yourself.
  8. Just Get a Job (It Doesn’t Have to Be Forever)

How do you deal with college graduation?

I’m About to Graduate From College and I’m Terrified. Here’s What’s Helped Me Deal

  1. 6 Steps to Calm the F Down.
  2. Think about what you’re really afraid of. Share on Pinterest.
  3. Forget making a “bucket list.”
  4. Talk it over with friends.
  5. Make plans for the future (ahh!).
  6. Create a new routine.
  7. Be OK with not being totally OK.
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What do you hope to do after you finish your graduate degree?

What’s Next after Masters Graduation

  • Find a job. Immediately commencing a job search is perhaps the most conservative option for you, and the most common.
  • Continue your studies. For some, a Masters degree is not the end of their educational pursuits.
  • Tap your inner entrepreneur.
  • Travel.
  • Volunteer.
  • Take a break.

How do I adjust to post graduate life?

5 Tips For Quickly Adjusting From College Life To Work Life

  1. Embrace your new identity. After your graduation, you typically cease from being a student anymore.
  2. Accept new responsibilities.
  3. Find time to do those things that make you happy.
  4. Don’t switch off.
  5. Get a good night’s rest.

What does it feel like to graduate college?

So in addition to the whole “oh-sh*t-I’m-about-to-be-a-real-person” thing, graduating college feels especially scary. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not sure college was the “best four years of my life.” There have been periods at Northwestern when I’ve been very unhappy.

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Why don’t you want to graduate from college?

Here are the REAL reasons why you don’t want to graduate: 1. Built-in dating pool In college, you can go out to any fairly non-sketchy bar and the chances that you’ll leave with someone smart and/or disease-free are typically in your favor.

Is it hard to stay close to friends after college?

Bestie Separation Anxiety In college, if you don’t already live with your friends, you’re at least spending 87 percent of your day with them. Post-graduation, it’s incredibly difficult to remain close with your immediate friends, let alone your entire pledge class.

Is it OK to be scared of graduation?

As Litner puts it, it’s better to “celebrate where you are at and know that it’s perfectly OK to be where you are—emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually.” Yes, graduation (or any major life change) is scary—and that’s OK. However, that fear isn’t something that’s out of my control.