
What hours days are required to work as a software engineer?

What hours days are required to work as a software engineer?

According to one survey, software engineers work 8.6 hours per day,21 though hours are likely to be longer in more highly paid roles and at startups. As mentioned above, some tech companies work a 4 day, 32-hour work week (for example Treehouse does this all year round, Basecamp does it from May to October).

How do you manage estimation and spend hours in software development?

So, to recap, these are the key things to do when making estimates in software development:

  1. Break down the work into smaller tasks.
  2. Don’t assume without asking questions.
  3. Propose adjusting the requirement.
  4. Factor in your degree of confidence.
  5. Agree on a sequence for estimating.
  6. Set a maximum time limit for each task.
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Is software engineering a good career path?

Software engineers are in increasing demand, salaries are great, and it’s the perfect industry from which to get into the startup world without needing a ton of initial capital. All you need is a computer, and your opportunities are limitless (kind of).

How do you react to weak excuses at work?

And while steam practically pours out of your ears at these weak excuses, it’s tricky to know exactly how to react. Between needing to just get the work done as quickly as possible and feeling a twinge of sympathy that maybe your employee really does have too many projects on her plate, you probably respond with some version of, “That’s OK.

How do you make sure your employees know you’re serious?

Dig in, ask the tough questions, and show your employees that you’re serious about their work and success. Over time, you’ll convey that you won’t settle for anything less than the best—and your employees will realize that there’s no room for excuses. Photo of co-workers talking courtesy of Shutterstock.

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What to do when an employee is having trouble organizing time?

Once you’ve sorted through explanations, motivations, and deeper issues, set clear expectations for the future. If your employee is having trouble organizing his time, for example, point out a few good time management strategies and follow up in a couple weeks to make sure he’s still on track.