Tips and tricks

What is a coding assessment?

What is a coding assessment?

Coding assessments, otherwise known as coding challenges or coding skills tests, are a set of standardised questions, challenges or problems given to developers in order to ascertain their skill level. Coding assessments come in a variety of forms. They can be created in-house, or you can use a pre-existing platform.

Does CoderPad have debugger?

CoderPad has been a great addition to our interviewing toolkit. With it, you can watch a candidate iteratively develop their code and then actually use the compiler for debugging. This adds a whole new dimension to the process and brings it one step closer to the holy grail of natural coding in an interview.

What should I look for in a coding interview?

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What interview skills employers look for in the onsite technical interview

  • Coding skills.
  • Problem-solving ability.
  • Ability to think creatively.
  • Communication skills.
  • Analytical thinking skills.
  • Culture fit.
  • How you handle feedback.
  • Ability to solve problems in a structured and systematic way.

Does CoderPad track?

During an interview, CoderPad keeps track of every single keystroke of every participant within a pad. Once the interview has ended, interviewers will be able to replay the entire interview keystroke by keystroke.

How do online coding assessments work?

Also known as online software interview or online programming test, this type of online assessments comes in where the candidates take the code tests online. Questions are given to them at a said time. All the candidates come online at that time and take the test.

Does CoderPad use video?

CoderPad gives you the ability to video or audio chat during your interviews. In the bottom left corner of a pad, see the “start call” button. If this is your first time ever using the audio/video feature on CoderPad, you will be asked to accept browser permissions for access to your audio/video channels.

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Does CoderPad have video call?

CoderPad also supports video calls. Select your webcam and audio inputs before the call starts.

Is coderpad a good tool for technical interviews?

This is a review of CoderPad, a collaborative coding tool that lets you run your code as you go and is particularly handy for technical interviews. I’ve been on both sides of the table for a fair amount of technical interviews—from phone screens and live coding rounds to in-person whiteboard sessions.

What is the best tool to test coding skills of candidates?

CoderPad is a great tool if what you need is testing the candidate on relatively simple coding questions. If you’re using Google Doc or Collabedit, CoderPad is a HUGE step ahead, since it allows you to run the code of almost any programming language out there.

What is a coding interview platform?

A coding interview platform acts as a screening tool for developers. By testing different language proficiencies at the beginning of the talent acquisition funnel, hiring teams can narrow down their list of top candidates much faster.

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What is easycoderpad and how does it work?

CoderPad works like an IDE to help candidates easily share their skills and help you understand how they work. Through both collaborative coding sessions and take-home assignments, it’s with you at every stage of the hiring process.