
What is a flying dinosaur called?

What is a flying dinosaur called?

Pterodactyls, the common name for pterosaurs, are an extinct group of winged reptiles. There was a genus of pterosaur called Pterodactylus – which is where the word “pterodactyl” comes from – but not all pterosaurs belong to this genus. Pterosaurs evolved into dozens of individual species.

What is the closest thing to a dragon?

Described as ‘the closest thing to a real life dragon,’ scientists have discovered a new ‘fearsome beast’ from the time of the dinosaurs!

Would it be possible for dragons to exist?

Dragons don’t exist (as far as we know), but some of their individual characteristics can be found throughout the animal kingdom. It would have taken quite a few turns for natural selection to have produced dragons, but if you’re willing to stretch a bit, most classic dragon characteristics do exist in other species.

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What is the difference between a dragon and a dinosaur?

However, most dragon myths depict dragons as wise, knowledgeable, and purposeful creatures. Some dragons could even speak with humans intelligibly. ● Dinosaurs were strong and ferocious, but they didn’t have magical powers. Most dragons were winged creatures that could fly.

Are drdragons real?

Dragons are just mere fables and myths. Some scientists believe that dragons are conceived from the observation of Jurassic fossil fuels, pythons, anacondas, and the innate human fear of snakes ● Although we have lots of recorded fossils of dinosaurs, there are no dragon fossils

How intelligent are dinosaurs?

● Dinosaurs are considered to be reasonably unintelligent reptilian creatures, due to the size of their brain capacity. However, most dragon myths depict dragons as wise, knowledgeable, and purposeful creatures.

How many Dragon fossils are there?

● Although we have lots of recorded fossils of dinosaurs, there are no dragon fossils ● Dinosaurs lived in diverse parts of the earth, depending on their species. Dragons, on the other hand, mostly lived on mountain tops, lakes, swamps, pools, and large rivers.