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What is a good starting salary after undergrad?

What is a good starting salary after undergrad?

According to a recent report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the average starting salary for the college Class of 2020 was $55,260 — 2.5\% higher than that of the Class of 2019 ($53,889 ) and 8.5\% higher than the Class of ’18 ($50,944).

Which university has highest package in world?

1. Stanford University

  • Median salary for alumni with 0-5 years of experience: $76,500.
  • Median salary for alumni with 10+ years of experience: $143,100.
  • Salary average: $109,800.

What is a good starting salary for 2021?

Starting Salary Projections Positive for the Class of 2021

Broad Category 2021 Salary Projection \% Change
Humanities $59,500 11.0\%
Business $58,869 1.6\%
Communications $58,174 3.0\%
Agriculture & Natural Resources $54,857 2.5\%

Do Ivy League grads make more?

The median annual earnings for an Ivy League graduate 10 years after starting amount to well over $70,000 a year. For graduates of all other schools, the median is around $34,000. The top 10 percent of Ivy League grads are earning $200,000 or more ten years after starting school.

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How much money can you make with a University of Chicago degree?

Median first-year earnings for University of Chicago graduates ranked by degree type and major Major Earnings Law (First Professional Degree) $170,500 Business Administration, Management and $152,900 Statistics (Master’s Degree) $103,700 Computer Science (Bachelor’s Degree) $87,000

Which undergraduate degree pays the highest salary?

The undergraduate degree which initially pays the highest is Computer Science with a median starting salary of $87,000 followed by Economics paying $83,000 and Statistics graduates who have a median starting income of $72,000 .

How much money can you make with a first professional degree?

Looking at post-graduate and doctorate students, those completing the Law (First Professional Degree) program rank first with a median initial income of $170,500 followed by Business Administration, Management and Operations (Master’s Degree) at $152,900 and Statistics (Master’s Degree) who earn $103,700 .