
What is a nice way to say ignorant?

What is a nice way to say ignorant?

Some common synonyms of ignorant are illiterate, unlearned, unlettered, and untutored.

Why do people use ignorant for rude?

The definition of ignorant is something or someone lacking in knowledge, or is stupid or rude. An example of ignorant is a person who is has no knowledge of politics. An example of ignorant is impolite behavior that goes against the standard custom of proper manners.

How do you deal with an arrogant person?

Dealing effectively with arrogance from others Don’t let it get to you. When meeting someone new for the first time, it is always best to give him or her the chance to reveal his or her true nature fully. Be tactful. Change the topic of conversation. Avoid interacting much at all. Disagree politely. Find humor in their arrogance.

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How do I handle a guy who is arrogant?

Prove the arrogant guy wrong about him being better at everything than others. Show him that you can do things of importance to him. This is his weak spot, but eventually, he will become impressed by you. Show confidence in yourself and be sure not to become arrogant, like him.

How to deal with conceited and arrogant people?

Steps Pay attention to their conversations. Don’t eavesdrop, but when they’re talking to you or to those around you, listen to them. Challenge their worldview. Don’t be aggressive–just skeptical and curious. Learn the quality of their friendships. See how they treat others who are unlike in some ways. Observe how their personality is like.

What are some behaviors typical of an arrogant person?

Signs someone is an arrogant person Elevating self-worth. As mentioned above, the arrogant person has an excessive need to elevate themselves above others. Caring too much about what others think. While it’s natural for us to care about what others think, for an arrogant person it’s a matter of life and death. High competitiveness. Putting others down. Intellectual arrogance.