
What is a piece of advice that you would offer to someone younger than you?

What is a piece of advice that you would offer to someone younger than you?

Honesty as in not saying you know or understand something just to impress the person you are speaking to. Admit you don’t and you will be the receiver of knowledge. Honesty as in not following the crowd to save face but saying what you really believe.

What advice would you give a younger you Quora?

“Don’t have kids too young.” “Don’t have kids when you are older.” “Don’t waste your young years at the office.” “Focus on your career.”…

  • Make them famous.
  • Make them rich.
  • Help them reach a wider audience.
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Can I date someone younger than me?

According to the rule, you divide your age by two and then add seven to calculate the “socially acceptable” minimum age for a partner. For example, if you’re 32, you can date someone as young as 23 while remaining in the realm of “socially acceptable,” according to the calculation.

How do I feel younger?

Here are 18 little things you can do every day to make you feel younger.

  1. Get outside and exercise.
  2. Smile more often.
  3. Adopt or foster a new pet.
  4. Take an online class.
  5. Listen to the music you used to love as a teenager …
  6. … or watch one of your favorite old movies.
  7. Have a glass of wine.
  8. Be intimate with your partner.

How can I live longer and feel younger?

See what changes you should make today, to make your body function in a more youthful and resilient way, months, or years from now.

  1. Quit Smoking. Image Source/Digital Vision.
  2. Maintain a Healthy Weight. Dimitri Vervitsiotis/Photodisc/Getty Images.
  3. Stay Active.
  4. Eat an Anti-Aging Diet.
  5. Manage Your Stress Intake.
  6. Stay Social.
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What advice would you give your younger self School?

You’re good enough.

  • If you want something, just ask.
  • Patience and persistence ultimately pay off.
  • Don’t let anyone ever tell you your dreams are out of reach.
  • Dreams do come true.
  • Fear is a wolf.
  • Smile more, worry less.
  • How can I make people feel younger?

    Younger people will look to you for advice and wisdom. Are you having trouble finding someone to talk to? Just walk into your local coffee shop and strike up a conversation. This will make you feel younger and being around younger people will bring out the best in you. You will stop going on about how old you are!

    How to age gracefully and look younger?

    Accept who you are, age and all. Age gracefully, love yourself, and you will look younger without even trying. A study conducted in the USA confirms that people who have a positive outlook on aging live longer and look younger than people who do not age so gracefully. 2. Add Some Spice to Your Diet

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    How can I look younger in my 40s?

    (We’ve all seen these people!) Accept who you are, age and all. Age gracefully, love yourself, and you will look younger without even trying. A study conducted in the USA confirms that people who have a positive outlook on aging live longer and look younger than people who do not age so gracefully.

    How much older do you feel than your actual age?

    More than two-thirds of participants felt three or more years younger than their actual age, while about a quarter felt their age. About 5 percent felt more than a year older than their true age. The average actual age of all participants was about 66, but their average self-perceived age was 57.