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What is a pillbox in war?

What is a pillbox in war?

A pillbox is a type of blockhouse, or concrete dug-in guard-post, normally equipped with loopholes through which defenders can fire weapons. It is in effect a trench firing step, hardened to protect against small-arms fire and grenades, and raised to improve the field of fire.

Why is a pill box so called?

British hardened field defences of World War II were small fortified structures constructed as a part of British anti-invasion preparations. They were popularly known as pillboxes, a reference to their shape.

What is another name for a pill box?

Pillbox Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for pillbox?

box container
etui tin

Why are bunkers pill boxes?

Pillboxes or blockhouses were miniature forts developed by the German army to give their trench lines extra strength. The term pillbox was used by the British soldiers because the reinforced concrete construction was the same shape as the boxes in which chemists supplied tablets during the war.

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Are pill boxes listed?

Though some pillboxes are protected through scheduling and listing; often because of their rarity, level of preservation or historical significance (and the fact that someone took the time to apply to have the structure protected), the majority are not protected by listing/scheduling.

What are pill boxes Hawaii?

Ehukai Pillboxes is a 2.3 mile heavily trafficked loop trail located near Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate. The trail is primarily used for hiking and is accessible year-round. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.

How long did it take to build a pillbox?

How much would a pillbox have cost?

Item Week 1 Estimated Duration
3901 Barrows, wheel, navvy pattern 1s 1d 1 week
3906 Planks, wheeling, per dozen 3s 6d 1 week
3908 Boards, scaffold, per dozen 2s 3d 2 weeks
3917 Poles, stout, scaffold, not exceeding 22ft, per dozen 4s 3d 2 weeks
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Can you hike Stairway to Heaven Oahu?

Although it is legal, it is still a tough hike. There are multiple sections with rope climbs and very steep, muddy ascents. Once you reach the top you can walk down the stairs and get some cool photos. In fact, you can go quite a far way down the stairs because the guards and police usually only wait at the bottom.

Why is it called Lanikai pillbox?

“They acquired that name somewhere along the line,” he says. A pillbox is a defensive station in which a machine gun would have been installed, he explains.