
What is an example of a broad sentence?

What is an example of a broad sentence?

Broad sentence example. His broad shoulders swayed gracefully with the swing of his stride. A broad smile crossed his face. She raised on an elbow, a broad smile growing across her face.

What does narrow and broad mean?

2. 2. In this context “broad” means generally applicable and with wide (lots of) applications. Examples for broad traits might be “being a good communicator”, “being good with numbers”, “being tolerant”, “keeping situational awareness” By contrast “narrow”, here, means a very specific skill with limited applicability.

What does narrow writing mean?

The definition of narrow is someone who is limited in some way or something that is small in width as compared to its length. An example of narrow used as an adjective is the phrase narrow mind, which is someone with little knowledge of the world.

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Is narrow size or shape?

It is definitely “long and narrow”, not “narrow and long”, so I would say that “long” is size and “narrow” is shape.

What do you mean by narrow?

of little breadth or width; not broad or wide; not as wide as usual or expected: a narrow path. limited in extent or space; affording little room: narrow quarters.

What is the opposite narrow?

Antonym of Narrow Word. Antonym. Narrow. Wide, Broad. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is a broad statement?

Answer and Explanation: A statement can be considered broad when it covers so much material that its meaning is ambiguous to a reader. It is overly general to the point that it does not provide specific information to the reader.

What are broad topics?

Broad topics: A topic that is too broad focuses on one important concept. This kind of search will will find thousands of results for you to look through. These are examples of broad topics: leadership.

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What is the opposite broad?

Opposite of large in area or width. narrow. tight. close. confined.

What’s a broad question?

Broad questions (also known as “open-ended questions”): • have no specific answer. • require higher-level thinking, exploration, observation, or an opinion. • promote discussion and divergent thinking.

What does a broad sentence mean?

A broad sentence is a sentence in which, when you’re describing a topic, you’re very general about it. A broad sentence is a sentence in which, when you’re describing a topic, you’re very general about it.

What is the difference between narrow sense and broader meaning?

Narrow sense or meaning of some word or expression is understood when the object or objects that you mean cannot be mistaken for something else, when you mean only it. In a broader sense your description matches several related objects or types of objects. Let’s take the English word Russian, as applied to a person.

What does it mean when a topic is too narrow?

A topic is too narrow if you can’t find any information about it. Though student writers most often face the challenge of limiting a topic that is too broad, they occasionally have to recognize that they have chosen a topic that is too narrow or that they have narrowed a workable topic too much.

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What is the difference between Broad and narrow fur?

Broad: Dogs have fur. Narrow: All dogs have fur, but the quality of it can vary from fuzzy and thick to stiff, thin, and prickly.” Senses as meanings, but not sentences, probably – it might have been misheard.