
What is an INTJ childhood like?

What is an INTJ childhood like?

They Are Extremely Independent Even from a young age INTJ children are often very independent, wanting to learn how to do just about everything on their own. The INTJ might face difficulties with some other kids in school, simply because they are strong and do not allow others to pressure them into things.

Is being a teenager childhood?

Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big changes—to the body, and to the way a young person relates to the world. Understanding what to expect at different stages can promote healthy development throughout adolescence and into early adulthood.

Can INTJ be crybaby?

INTJs will cry because they have gone far too long without allowing themselves to pay attention to their own emotions, and finally they force their way out through their tear ducts. INTJs will often attempt to keep this to themselves, and will not want it to happen in front of another person.

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What do you think about intjs as teenagers?

I think INTJs can be a little intimidating as teenagers since they tend to do very well in school and not care much about clothes, parties, or popularity the way most teens do. They are usually well behaved and mature but are not easy for authority figures to control with either positive or negative reinforcement.

What is the INTJ child like to share his knowledge?

The INTJ child will happily share his knowledge and expertise. Although it might often seem that the child is being a bit blunt and offensive, at heart he just wishes to inspire others to learn with the same passion he feels towards knowledge.

Are INTJ teens sheltered from dating?

INTJ teens might be quite sheltered if their parents allow their introverted tendencies free reign. They may have read and heard quite a lot about sex, but are smart enough to understand the consequences and are usually cautious about dating.

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What is the ISFJ personality like in the teenage years?

In the teen years, ISFJs tend to experience more openness to new experiences and risks. While they are still cautious and hesitant about change, they realize that experience is one of their greatest teachers. They learn quickly through experience and enjoy having real-world knowledge and memories stored for later use.