
What is an unreasonable fee?

What is an unreasonable fee?

Unreasonable fee means a fee that is exorbitant and disproportionate to the services performed.

When can you ask for attorney fees?

The judge can order one side to pay a reasonable amount to hire a lawyer as early as possible before the case goes forward. If you are being represented by a free or low cost lawyer (like a legal aid lawyer), you can still ask for the other side to pay your lawyer’s fees, even if you have not paid anything.

What is the difference between attorney fees and costs?

To recap: fees are the amount paid for the attorneys’ time and effort working on your case, costs are the amount paid for out-of-pocket expenses on your case. Every case will have both fees and costs. Be sure you understand the difference.

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What does it mean when a lawyer is billing by the hour?

Bills that have not been itemized to reflect services rendered. If you are being billed by the hour, you have a right to a bill that shows what your lawyer was doing, and when he was doing it; Excessive time to complete a task.

Can a lawyer pressure a client to pay for information?

Moreover, a lawyer cannot use information learned during the course of the attorney-client relationship to apply pressure on a client for payment. Exceptions to this rule apply in attorney fee litigation and malpractice disputes, as the attorney can reveal information as necessary to defend himself or his fee.

Can I force my lawyer to book hours already booked?

Bear in mind that once your lawyer and her colleagues enter hours into the firm’s billing system, they show up as accounts receivable on the firm’s finances. So her partners will see it if you force her to write down lots of hours that have already been booked. At best, that will annoy her. At worst, it could be a serious internal problem for her.

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How much do lawyers charge for copies of cases?

Some law firms charge as much as 20 or 25 cents per copy, which can really add up if there are thousands of copies. You should push for as little as 10 or 12 cents. Travel time. Most attorneys bill their full hourly rate for time spent in transit for a case.