
What is average height of men in Quebec?

What is average height of men in Quebec?

The average male height in Canada is five feet, 10.1 inches, or exactly 178.1 cm.

How tall is the average Canadian male?

5 ft 10.1 in
Average height for men internationally

Country Average Height
Canada 5 ft 10.1 in (178.1 cm)
United Kingdom 5 ft 9.9 in (177.5 cm)
Jamaica 5 ft 8.7 in (174.5 cm)
Brazil 5 ft 8.3 in (173.6 cm)

Are French Canadian men short?

French-Canadians are also significantly shorter than Americans, roughly equal to those who remained in the United Kingdom, and taller than the inhabitants of France and Latin America.

What is the average French male height?

5 feet 10.76 inches
The average person in France is 172.31cm (5 feet 7.83 inches) tall. The average French man is 179.73cm (5 feet 10.76 inches) tall.

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Are French Canadian men good lovers?

Passionate lovers Because of their adventurous personalities, French Canadian men are more open minded to trying new things in the bedroom. They also love to make you feel like you’re the prettiest woman in the room…

What is the average height of people in Montreal?

Also, Quebec males are primarily of Gallic stock, which are stereotypically shorter than people of Germanic/Northern European stock (the Dutch and Germans in Ontario skew the distribution to the left). Putting together this information, I would be inclined to guess that in Montreal, the average height would be about be around 5’8″ to 5’9″.

What is the average height of a male in Canada?

In Canada, the average male is not 5′9 but somewhere between 5′5 to 5′7 all though I have seen many males at 5′2. , Amateur employee, professional hobbyist.

What is the average height for men in the United States?

, the average age-adjusted height for American men 20 years old and up is 69.1 inches (175.4 centimeters). That’s about 5 feet 9 inches tall. This number comes from data published in December 2018. The data was collected between 1999 and 2016 as part of a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. men and women, all at least 20 years of age.

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What is the average height of a man by race?

men by race: 1 Non-Hispanic white: 177.4 centimeters, or just under 5 feet, 10 inches 2 Non-Hispanic black: 175.5 centimeters, or just over 5 feet, 9 inches 3 Non-Hispanic Asian: 169.7 centimeters, or just under 5 feet, 7 inches 4 Hispanic: 169.5 centimeters, or just under 5 feet, 7 inches