Tips and tricks

What is closest to truth?

What is closest to truth?


  • accuracy.
  • authenticity.
  • certainty.
  • fact.
  • legitimacy.
  • principle.
  • truthfulness.
  • veracity.

What is truth religious education?

religious truth – people follow a religion and so discover the ‘truth’ which comes from God or a sacred text. …

What are the 2 types of truth?

We can define two types of truth: empirical truth and convenient truth. Empirical truth is based on evidence, research and reason.

Are truths always fact?

A fact is something that’s indisputable, based on empirical research and quantifiable measures. Truth is entirely different; it may include fact, but it can also include belief.

What does it mean to practice true religion?

True religion is a way of life, not just a ritual or a formality. Its followers adhere to the Bible’s high moral standards in all aspects of life. ( Ephesians 5:3-5; 1 John 3:18) Rather than being grim, though, they find joy in worshipping “the happy God.”— 1 Timothy 1:11. Those who practice true religion will be in the minority.

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How can you tell the difference between true and false religion?

( Matthew 7:16) Just as you can distinguish a grapevine from a thornbush by what it produces, you can distinguish true religion from false by its fruits, or by these identifying features. True religion teaches the truth that is based on the Bible, not on human philosophies.

What is the true religion of God?

True religion focuses on God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope. Its followers actively tell others about that Kingdom.— Matthew 10:7; 24:14. True religion promotes unselfish love. ( John 13:35) It teaches respect for all ethnic groups and welcomes people from all races, cultures, languages, and backgrounds.

Does true religion have clergy?

True religion has no paid clergy, and it does not give high-sounding religious titles to its ministers.— Matthew 23:8-12; 1 Peter 5:2, 3. True religion is completely neutral in political affairs.