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What is education According to Sri Aurobindo?

What is education According to Sri Aurobindo?

Shri Aurobindo emphasized that education should be in accordance with the needs of our real modern life. In other words, education should create dynamic citizen so that they are able to meet the needs of modern complex life. According to him, physical development and holiness are the chief aims of education.

Was Sri Aurobindo enlightened?

Sri Aurobindo was a great intellectual, a very convincing, rational philosophical genius. He convinced many people, and those many people convinced him that he was enlightened. It is true that there is something more in existence than the enlightenment Gautam the Buddha achieved.

Where was Aurobindo educated?

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St Paul’s School
King’s College, Cambridge
Sri Aurobindo/Education

Is Savitri a legend?

In Hinduism, Savitri and Satyavan (Sanskrit: सावित्री Sāvitrī and सत्यवान् Satyavān) are a legendary couple, known for Savitri’s love and devotion to her husband Satyavan. The later part of legend focuses on Savitri’s wit and love, which saved her husband from the death god Yama.

Where did Sri Aurobindo have mystical and spiritual experience for the first time?

In Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo dedicated himself to his spiritual and philosophical pursuits. In 1914, after four years of secluded yoga, he started a monthly philosophical magazine called Arya.

Why is Aurobindo’s educational thinking called integral education?

According to Sri Aurobindo, main aim of integral education is holistic development of mind, body and soul. Aurobindo believes that education should inculcate in a student moral values, humanity and character building. Integral education transforms a man to superman and awakens his consciousness.

Which method of teaching was advocated by Aurobindo?

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Sri. Aurobindo suggested various teaching method like observation, self-discovery, activity method, teaching with love and sympathy, learning by doing, discussion method, learning by self-experience, teaching-learning through mother tongue, learningwith co-operation during teaching-learning process.

How does Sri Aurobindo bring out the magnificence of the Tiger?

The opening lines of the poem describe the magnificence of the tiger – its shiny eyes, padded noiseless paws and majestic chest. Silently and stealthily, it made its way towards a beautiful drinking water from a nearby water source. He describes the tiger’s action as the end of good healthy values in life.

What is the real name of Sri Aurobindo?

Aurobindo GhoseSri Aurobindo / Full name
Sri Aurobindo, original name Aurobindo Ghose, Aurobindo also spelled Aravinda, Sri also spelled Shri, (born August 15, 1872, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India—died December 5, 1950, Pondicherry [now Puducherry]), yogi, seer, philosopher, poet, and Indian nationalist who propounded a philosophy of divine life on earth …