
What is it like being an INTP female?

What is it like being an INTP female?

In general, INTP women are quiet, independent, and highly imaginative. They are logical thinkers but tend to view the “big picture” of things rather than fixate on small details. They’re also very spontaneous and don’t do well with a lot of structure, which sometimes frustrates others.

Do INTPs make good managers?

INTPs as Managers Their ability to see the bigger picture and work as a visionary means that an INTP is good at overseeing and driving forward a team. As they love to come up with the ideas but hate to execute them, delegating the practical aspects of a job to their lower-ranking staff is ideal for an INTP.

What are the problems of INTP females?

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This stereotype can cause the INTP female problems, especially at a younger age. Before they have spent time developing their feeling function, the INTP female will struggle to connect with the emotions of others. This can lead to frustrations on their end, as well as with their close friendships.

How to be more attractive as an INTP female?

Most women follow certain self-care and beauty routines every day to look more attractive. Washing your hair, doing some hair styling and applying makeup are sacred rituals for any woman. However, an INTP female may find it difficult to stick with these daily self-care activities.

Can INTPs work in the workplace?

For this reason, people with this personality type rarely work in office jobs or public/military service. So it’s highly unlikely to see an INTP female working as a personal assistant or a client manager. The same is true for relationships – an INTP needs healthy boundaries and a certain degree of freedom.

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Why do INTPs struggle with emotions?

INTP women specifically struggle with this because society doesn’t necessarily favor women of logic. There can be times when they are expected to be more focused on emotions, when they are spending their time focusing on knowledge and learning. They are naturally intelligent people, but they continuously strive to understand things even better.