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What is life as a pilot like?

What is life as a pilot like?

Becoming a pilot involves arduous training, dedication and years of building experience. Once a pilot is working for an airline, their life is sure to include significant time away from family and friends. Pilots may be required to work out of a base assigned by the airline.

Do pilots make a good living?

With an average annual salary of $102,520, pilots earn a good living. Commercial pilots must earn a commercial pilot certificate, while airline pilots, copilots and flight engineers must earn the Federal Air Transport certificate and rating for the specific aircraft type they fly.

Is being a pilot a lonely life?

No more lonely than other professionals, yes the hours may be sporatic,its not your average 9 to 5 job,bbut you can have a family,it depends on you if you want to,it is like a trucker,except you’re at 50,000 ft and a lot of people’s lives depend on you. Its not a lonely life,and you’d find people gravitating to you.

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Why Being a pilot is awesome?

Becoming a pilot makes you smarter. You’ll gain knowledge that you never thought you would need to know. You’ll become a better planner, a logical decision-maker, and a meteorologist. You’ll learn good resource management, how to be patient and how to operate safely, with a sense of urgency.

Are pilots happy with their career?

Pilots are one of the happiest careers in the United States. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, pilots rate their career happiness 3.8 out of 5 stars which puts them in the top 15\% of careers.

Is it hard to date a pilot?

Being in a relationship with a short-haul Pilot (who operates mostly turnarounds, comes home most days and doesn’t have layovers in different destinations often) can be a little easier than being in a relationship with a long-haul Pilot as they will be home slightly more, but still you will spend a considerable amount …