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What is living parallel lives?

What is living parallel lives?

Parallel living overall is the opposite of living as an intimate married couple. If you watch kids play, as you may have with other families, the kids are near each other, but each one is actually playing on its own. This is a normal developmental step called parallel play, before kids learn about playing with others.

What does it mean for someone to be parallel?

any person or thing essentially the same as, or closely corresponding to, another; counterpart. 10. the condition of being parallel; conformity in essential points.

What does modern parallel mean?

countable noun. If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time.

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What parallel looks like?

Parallel lines look like railroad tracks: they are always the same distance apart, running next to each other. The lines do intersect. Next, determine if the lines intersect at a right angle. The lines do not intersect at a right angle.

Can you live separate lives in the same house?

Question: Can you be separated and live in the same house? Answer: Yes, you can be separated from your spouse but both be living in the same house. Whatever the reason for choosing to remain separated in the same house, you should clearly define what the terms of your relationship are.

What is parallel in social?

Parallel society refers to the self-organization of an ethnic or religious minority, often but not always immigrant groups, with the intent of a reduced or minimal spatial, social and cultural contact with the majority society into which they immigrate.

Can curves be parallel?

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Two curves are said to be parallel of one another if any curve normal to one is normal to the other; it can be proved that, then, the distance between two points with common normal is a constant, called parallelism distance.

What is the symbol for parallel?

The symbol used to denote parallel lines is ||. For example, AB II PQ indicates that line AB is parallel to line PQ.

What does living parallel lives mean?

Parallel Lives Meaning From A Spiritual Perspective. Parallel Lives Meaning – The concept of parallel lives firstly appeared in 1998. And the concept was created to describe non-physical lives that are different from the one we live today.

What is live parallel?

Parallel Lives. Plutarch ‘s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch’s Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings, written in the late 1st century.

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What is parallel lives?

• PARALLEL LIVES (noun) The noun PARALLEL LIVES has 1 sense: 1. a collection of biographies of famous pairs of Greeks and Romans written by Plutarch; used by Shakespeare in writing some of his plays. Familiarity information: PARALLEL LIVES used as a noun is very rare.

What is a parallel life?

Parallel lives are said to be non-physical ‘lives’ that mostly are very different from the life you live. They express aspects of your being that often are complementary to your own life. If you are very rich now, you would lead a parallel life in which you are very poor.