Tips and tricks

What is the answer of where have you been?

What is the answer of where have you been?

Originally Answered: What is the answer to “where have you been”? If there isn’t an obvious answer you are happy to share, just say “elsewhere”. Of course if you should have been with your friend but weren’t, and don’t want to say where, you can just apologise for not having been there.

What have you been up to lately?

What Have You Been Up To Lately Meaning. ‘Lately’ means ‘recently,’ therefore, this question means “what have you been doing recently?” The inferred meaning is ‘I haven’t seen you in a long time.

What happens when someone leaves you for someone else?

This is excellent advice. If someone leaves you for someone else — or you discover that someone already was getting their ducks in a row to make or force an exit, while keeping you 100\% in the dark — that person will certainly do it again .

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What should I do when my girlfriend leaves me for someone else?

Go ahead and follow her idea, and find someone better than her. This is excellent advice. If someone leaves you for someone else — or you discover that someone already was getting their ducks in a row to make or force an exit, while keeping you 100\% in the dark — that person will certainly do it again.

Should I take Back my Ex-Girlfriend?

Nope, don’t take her back. She left you just because she thought she found something better, so she’ll almost definitely do it again. Go ahead and follow her idea, and find someone better than her. This is excellent advice.

Do people ask you why you resigned from a job?

“People will absolutely ask you” about why you originally resigned, so it’s wise to construct a narrative that answers their questions, Watkins says. Your explanation ought to be honest and candid — to a point. “There is nothing to be gained by saying anything negative,” particularly if you were unhappy in your job.