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What is the best answer for what is your passion?

What is the best answer for what is your passion?

How to answer, “What are you passionate about?”

  • Select something you are genuinely passionate about.
  • Explain why you’re passionate about it.
  • Give examples of how you’ve pursued this passion.
  • Relate it back to the job.

What does it mean when someone says what’s your passion?

Passions are areas, topics, or activities that excite you and interest you. They aren’t necessarily work-related, but if you can find something work-related that you’re also passionate about, then that makes the best interview answer.

What’s your passion examples?

Final Top 5 Passions:

  • Being true to myself.
  • Empowering or helping others find their passion.
  • Being confident in my own judgment & decisions.
  • Reading, golfing, going to movies, traveling, gardening.
  • Learning something new, having an adventure.
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How do you find your passion in life?

How to Find Your Passion

  1. 1 Brainstorm the activities you find fulfilling and meaningful.
  2. 2 Write down values that are important to you.
  3. 3 Consider your talents.
  4. 4 Look for common themes in your interests.
  5. 5 Narrow down your interests.
  6. 6 Rekindle a childhood passion.
  7. 7 Explore the things you’ve always wanted to try.

Is “Follow Your Passion” helpful?

Secondly, and more importantly, “follow your passion” is not helpful because it makes it sound so easy. And that is a very insidious thing, because finding meaningful work is anything but easy.

What are some inspirational quotes to follow your passions?

If you don’t know what that might be (yet), choose the hobbies, careers and pastimes that excite you the most… because those are the things worth chasing. Start following your passions with these 19 inspirational quotes. 1. “You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.” — Sabrina Bryan 2.

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Are You Passionate about what you do?

If you are passionate about what you are currently doing, then you will wake up in the morning looking forward to your day, even if it is a Monday. It does make sense that if we love what we do, we will do it better, longer and with greater passion.

Do we really only have one passion in life?

It assumes we will only have one passion in life. People are dynamic and have more than one specific life interest. It can be limiting to select merely one passion, as it leaves zero space for other passions yet to be uncovered. It assumes passions don’t change with time.