
What is the difference between may and might and could?

What is the difference between may and might and could?

Might is the past tense form of may, and it is used to express things that are less likely to happen. It is also usually used in expressing uncertainty and sometimes in asking permission as well. Could is the polite form of can, and we use it to make suggestions, requests, and also to ask permission.

What is the difference between might not and could not?

The phrase might not indicates a possibility that the contrary could happen. The word cannot suggests that the contrary won’t happen. And the phrase could not suggests that the contrary wasn’t able to happen.

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Could and might examples?

Examples They might attend the awards ceremony tomorrow night. He could call you back tonight. We could choose a new color of paint for the bedroom. I might join you if I finish early.

Is might could grammatically correct?

Is “might could” proper grammar? Handbooks say this use is fairly common in the South. Nonetheless, “might could” and similar expressions are nonstandard. You don’t need both “might” and “could.”

Where we use might be?

We use might when we are not sure about something in the present or future: I might see you tomorrow. It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.

Could could may might?

All modal verbs are auxiliary verbs, which means they can only be used with a main verb. Modal verbs cannot be a main verb. The modal verbs are; will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might and must. In this module we focus on will and would, and shall and should.

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Can I say might could?

Why is might could wrong?

This is a construction that is restricted to certain dialects of US English. In Standard English, it is not grammatical. (This construction is also often stigmatized, which means you would want to be especially careful before using it — you could be judged!)

Could have meaning Quora?

What is the difference between could have, would have and should have? – Quora. Could have means that something was possible in the past, but it did not happen. Example : I could have won the race but I fell at the last step.

What is different between “could” and “would”?

What is the difference between Could and Would? Could is the past tense form of the verb can whereas would is the past tense form of the verb will. The word could is generally used in sentences that are expressive of requests. The past tense form could is used to express the past tense. The word would is mainly used expressive of past tense. The word would is also used in the reported speech.

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Could of or could have?

You should never use could of. It is a mistake by careless writers that results from a misunderstanding of spoken English. Since could have is a verb phrase, and of is preposition, you will always know to use could have as long as you can remember the parts of speech of have and of.

What is May and might?

In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability, but there is a slight difference between the two. May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual. For example, He may lose his job.

Should vs can?

Usually, CAN is used to give options or explain that you have the ability to do something, while SHOULD is used to give a personal opinion. E.g. You CAN walk home at night, but it’s dangerous.