Tips and tricks

What is the difference between speck and pancetta?

What is the difference between speck and pancetta?

Pancetta is made from the belly of the pork like bacon; but, unlike bacon, pancetta is not smoked. Speck is made from the same cut as prosciutto and is cured like prosciutto but then it is lightly smoked. Speck is a specialty from the Alto Adige region of Italy located at the foot of the Dolomites.

Can I substitute bacon for speck?

If you substitute bacon for speck in a recipe, you’ll still get the same satisfyingly smokey infusion—just minus all that rendered fat gushing out (which, let’s be honest, most times you’re ultimately throwing down the sink anyway even though you’re not meant to).

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What does speck look like?

Unlike its prosciutto crudo cousin, speck tends to be browner in color and much denser. It’s well-marbled with a highly elastic texture and deep flavor. It has a savory, smoky taste that’s laced with spices like juniper and bay leaf. On the nose, it gives off aromas reminiscent of the mountains.

What part of the pig is speck?

hind leg
Like our much-loved prosciutto, speck is made from the hind leg of a pig, though the leg is boned before curing. Speck is also given a two-part curing process: First it’s rubbed with a blend of spices and salt-cured in the Mediterranean style, and then it’s cold-smoked in the central European tradition.

Why is it called speck?

In Italy, Turkey and parts of the English-speaking culinary world, “speck” refers to Italian speck, a type of prosciutto, rather than German speck. The term “speck” became part of popular parlance only in the eighteenth century and replaced the older term “bachen”, a cognate of “bacon”.

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What can be used instead of speck?

You’ll see it most often used as a building block in dishes or eaten as a cold cut on its own. If you can’t find it, bacon would be the best substitution.

Do you cut the skin off speck?

Speck tastes differently depending on how it’s cut, so here’s how to slice it correctly: Take the speck out of its packaging and let it “breathe” at room temperature for at least an hour. (This helps maximize the flavor.) If you prefer a more delicate flavor, remove the rind as it adds a spicy, intense note.

What is speck in recipes?

+ Larger Image. An Italian bacon that is made with the meat from the belly of a pig. Herbs, spices, and peppercorns are added for extra flavor before it is cured, air-dried, and lightly smoked. When served, it may then be thinly sliced or cut into smaller slabs from the larger section of the bacon slab.

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What is bacon speck?

Speck is smoked or pickled pork belly. In Germany, speck is pork fat with or without some meat in it. The term “speck” became part of popular parlance only in the eighteenth century and replaced the older term “bachen”, a cognate of “bacon”.

Can you eat speck rind?

If you prefer a more delicate flavor, remove the rind as it adds a spicy, intense note. The shape of the slices (strips or cubes) depends on the recipe. To enjoy it at its best, slice the speck thin and always against the fiber, which adds good “bite.”

What is a speck in cooking terms?

Speck is smoked or pickled pork belly. In Germany, speck is pork fat with or without some meat in it. In Italy, Turkey and parts of the English-speaking culinary world, “speck” refers to Italian speck, a type of prosciutto, rather than German speck.