
What is the divorce rate for airline pilots?

What is the divorce rate for airline pilots?

This one is a surprise to many, but it’s true – pilots have a lower divorce rate. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey 5-year data, from 2009-2018, the divorce rate for pilots was 30.5\%. Much lower than the 53\% for the most divorce-prone group: casino gaming managers.

Are pilots really cheaters?

The fact is that yes pilots are constantly being placed in situations that could welcome cheating, but the reality is people are disloyal in their relationships regardless of their profession, and not all pilots fall under this general stereotype. Dating or marrying a pilot does however take a certain type of person.

What occupation has highest divorce rate?

First-line enlisted military supervisors manage and lead enlisted service members. Their role, however, tends to put a staggering strain on their marriages. Individuals under the age of 30 have a 30\% divorce rate, making it the most divorced profession, according to Zippia’s research.

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Do flight attendants get divorced?

Additionally, I managed the NWA/Delta Detroit and Minneapolis flight attendant managers for over 10 years. Hence, I’ve experienced it from all angles. Although pilot and flight attendants have many segments and layovers together, nationwide, divorce rates are highest amongst law enforcement professionals at 75\%.

How many pilot groups have been divorced?

Nearly 75\% of some pilot groups have been divorced at least once. Some have been divorced even two or three times. Are you kidding me? Why can’t all these individuals that have remarkable backgrounds, ranging from high ranking military positions to flying all over the globe, seem to make their relationship last?

What happens to a pilot’s retirement after a divorce?

If you fall victim to a divorce (as over half of the pilots you fly with already have), then you will most likely lose over half of your retirement account. No matter how much you make in the markets, taking a 50\% hit is huge and often not recoverable. Of course money is cheap compared to the emotional toll of a divorce.

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Is going through a divorce emotionally exhausting?

Going through a divorce is both physically and emotionally exhausting, but again and again, divorces have continued to increase in magnitude over the years. The decision to file for divorce is an important decision that many couples face every day. It takes careful deliberation and a good test of your soul to finally opt for a divorce.