What is the head of a crime syndicate called?

What is the head of a crime syndicate called?

Boss – Also known as the capomandamento, capocrimine, rappresentante, don or godfather, is the highest level in a crime family.

What’s a syndicate gangster?

Definitions of crime syndicate. a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities. synonyms: family, mob, syndicate. types: Cosa Nostra, Maffia, Mafia.

What is organized crime called?

A criminal organization can also be referred to as a gang, mafia, mob, ring, or syndicate; the network, subculture, and community of criminals may be referred to as the underworld.

What is born criminal theory?

“Born Criminal” is a theory brought forward in the 18th century by Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso. As a consequence, immigrants, ethnic minorities, foreign workers, refugees and generally groups determined as “strangers” for the community are considered as potential criminals.

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What is Operation Mad Hatter?

Operation Mad Hatter, run by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, is an ongoing DEA Domestic Cartel Initiative investigation. Today’s arrests follow the unsealing of an indictment of 19 individuals who were charged by a federal grand jury on August 7, 2019.

How would you describe the character of the Hatter?

While the Hatter is loud, eccentric, and insane like the rest of Wonderland’s residents, he is also rather charming and can be mild-mannered from time to time, particularly when dealing with visitors such as Alice.

What does 10 6 mean on the Mad Hatter’s top hat?

The ’10/6′ on the Mad Hatter’s top hat is not a fraction, but the price of the hat: ten shillings, and sixpence, in the former currency of Britain. According to some, in the original book, the character of the Mad Hatter was based on the occurrence of hatters who, after using too much mercury in the fabrication of hats, ended up with

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What did the Mad Hatter do in House of mouse?

The Mad Hatter made numerous cameos in House of Mouse. He usually appeared as one of the guests at the titular nightclub, often having tea with the March Hare as usual. In ” Donald’s Pumbaa Prank “, he was seen laughing and pounding his hands on his table at Donald’s old cartoon about a goofy version of him skipping rope.
