
What is the internal resistance of ideal current source?

What is the internal resistance of ideal current source?

The internal resistance of an ideal current source is infinite. An independent current source with zero current is identical to an ideal open circuit.

What is ideal voltage and ideal current source?

The internal resistance of an ideal voltage source is zero; it is able to supply or absorb any amount of current. The current through an ideal voltage source is completely determined by the external circuit….Ideal voltage sources.

Controlled Voltage Source Controlled Current Source
Battery of cells Single cell

What is internal voltage?

The internal resistance r of a voltage source affects the output voltage when a current flows. The voltage output of a device is called its terminal voltage V and is given by V = emf − Ir, where I is the electric current and is positive when flowing away from the positive terminal of the voltage source.

Why does an ideal voltage source have zero resistance?

Ideal voltage has zero resistance because whenever current pass through a resistance then there is a voltage drop. We calculate that voltage drop by Ohm’s law V=IR. If there is a voltage drop present in the voltmeter then it will not measure correct voltage or rather less voltage than actual.

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What is the internal resistance of an ideal ammeter?

The internal resistance of an ideal ammeter will be zero since it should allow current to pass through it. The ammeter is connected in series in a circuit to measure the current flow through the circuit.

What is internal resistance class 12?

Internal Resistance is the resistance which is present within the battery that resists the current flow when connected to a circuit. Thus, it causes a voltage drop when current flows through it. It is the resistance provided by the electrolyte and electrodes which is present in a cell.

What is the resistance of an ideal current?

Ideal current source: An ideal current source has infinite resistance. Infinite resistance is equivalent to zero conductance.

Can ideal voltage source be converted to ideal current source?

A current source is dual form of a voltage source and a voltage source is dual form of a current source. A voltage source can be converted into an equivalent current source and a current source can also be converted into an equivalent voltage source.

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How ideal current source has infinite internal resistance?

To say that an ideal current source has infinite internal resistance is to say that the current through is independent of the voltage across. See that, in the limit as rs→∞, the load current becomes the constant IL=IS.