What is the least intelligent state?

What is the least intelligent state?

Lowest IQ States

  • California – 95.5.
  • Hawaii – 95.6.
  • New Mexico – 95.7.
  • Alabama – 95.7.
  • Nevada – 96.5.
  • Arizona – 97.4.
  • Arkansas – 97.5.
  • Tennessee – 97.7.

What is the stupidest state in the United States?

The ten dumbest states in the United States are:

  • Mississippi.
  • Alabama.
  • Florida.
  • South Carolina.
  • West Virginia.
  • Louisiana.
  • North Carolina.
  • Arizona.

What is the most intelligent state?

Massachusetts is the smartest state in the U.S. Massachusetts has the highest percentage of Bachelor’s degree holders at 42.1\% of adults and graduate or professional degree holders at about 32.4\%. Additionally, Massachusetts is home to MIT, Harvard, and several other high-ranked institutions.

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What state has the most educated population?

Most Educated U.S. States

  1. Massachusetts. Massachusetts is the most educated state in the U.S., with a total score of 8.1.
  2. Maryland. Maryland is the second-most educated state in the country.
  3. Connecticut.
  4. Vermont.
  5. Colorado.
  6. Virginia.
  7. New Jersey.
  8. New Hampshire.

What is the difference between the north and the south?

Northerners were more likely to have careers in business, medicine, and education, and compared to the South, children were more more likely to attend school. The South had a very different culture than the North. The biggest difference between the two was the legalization of slavery.

What is the difference between the north and South in gun ownership?

Gun Legislation and Culture Possibly the biggest and most polarizing difference between the Northern and Southern cultures is each region’s attitude about gun use and ownership. The Northern states tend to have stricter gun laws, while the Southern states are more relaxed when it comes to gun ownership.

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What is the difference between Southern culture and northern culture?

The Southern culture frowns upon using offensive language around women, has a norm that people should refer to one another as “Sir” and “Ma’am” and sometimes even normalizes an aggressive reaction to perceived disrespect, whereas Northerners may be inconvenienced, but will shrug off similar behavior for the most part.

How was transportation in the north different from in the south?

Transportation in the North was extremely easy compared to South. Over two-thirds of all railroad tracks existed in the North. This made the movement of goods smooth and quick, which helped the manufacturing economy the North was built on.