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What is the main difference between the Greek and Roman democracies?

What is the main difference between the Greek and Roman democracies?

In contrast to Greek democracy, the Roman republic had a more complex institutional arrangement. Instead of a set of institutions through which one single group exercised power, the Roman republic contained multiple institutions that allowed both the few and the many to take part in political rule.

What were some of the differences between Greek and Roman plays?

They were both rounded and had sloping seats for the purpose of making the play audible to a very large crowd. But there some very distinct differences. Greek Theaters were carved out of a hillside while Roman theaters were built up from solid ground using either cement or stone.

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What was an important difference between the political systems of the Romans and Greeks group of answer choices?

What was an important difference between the political systems of the Romans and Greeks? Greeks endured civil war, while Romans did not. Rome had written laws, while no Greek city-states did. Rome extended citizenship to its conquered peoples, while the Greeks did not.

What is the most critical difference between Greece and Rome?

1 Difference Between Greece and Italy Both ancient Greece and Rome began as city states. However, Greece was surrounded by mountains and a coastline, while Rome was at the geographic center of the Italian peninsula. Romans also built several roads leading to the Roman Empire.

What is the difference between Greek and Roman comedy?

A major difference between Roman and Greek art is the involvement of women in acting. In contrast, Roman comedy included women, and few of the masks were used. There were only three characters in the Greek plays, whereas more were present in the Roman plays.

What are 2 things that Romans changed from Greek Theatre?

The masks of Roman theatre Though reduced to prostitutes in the eyes of the population, Roman actors, just like those of the Greek theatre, could both act and sing and dance… and wear masks, although the frequency of their use slowly decreased over the years.

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How did barbarian cultures on the periphery of the Roman Empire differ from Roman culture?

How did barbarian cultures on the periphery of the Roman Empire differ from Roman culture? They spoke neither Latin nor Greek. They had no tradition of urban culture. They practiced either Arian Christianity or pagan religions.

What is the difference between the Roman republic and the United States?

Terms in this set (6) Both governments have the power to veto. Veto means “i forbid” in the United States only the president has the power to veto. In a roman republic only the two consoles have power to veto. In the USA we write our laws in a constitution.

Why is Greek and Roman culture similar?

One of the most significant similarities of the Greek and Roman civilizations was their geographical locations. Both of these civilizations lived on islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Anyone that lives around the same region will have some of the same values and ways of life.

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Which is better Greece or Rome?

Rome was better than Greece in the fields of statecraft, politics and war. Because of their political skill, the Romans succeeded in first unifying Italy.

Were Greek and Roman both a democracy?

The Roman and Greek Empires are very similar. They were both city-states, had a form of democracy, and had very similar gods. Both also affected the Mediterranean area greatly. However, The Roman Empire had more of an impact.

What type of government did the ancient Greeks create?

7 Points to Know About Ancient Greek Government Ancient Greece Had Many Governments. In ancient times, the area that we call Greece was many independent, self-governing city-states. Athens Invented Democracy. Democracy Didn’t Just Mean Everyone Votes. Tyrants Could Be Benevolent. Sparta Had a Mixed Form of Government. Macedonia Was a Monarchy. Aristotle Preferred Aristocracy.

Are Greek and Roman the same civilization?

This goes the same with the Greek and Roman cultures. One of the most significant similarities of the Greek and Roman civilizations was their geographical locations. Both of these civilizations lived on islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Anyone that lives around the same region will have some of the same values and ways of life.