What is the political position of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

What is the political position of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

In the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church the Orthodox Church is described as “a family of Churches, situated mainly in Eastern Europe: each member Church is independent in its internal administration, but all share the same faith and are in communion with one another, acknowledging the honorary primacy of the …

Why can’t you have olive oil during Lent?

There are plenty of high-protein choices on the menu. But during Lent, many of those items are a no-no. Besides the ban on meat and dairy, Eastern Orthodox faithful abstain from olive oil during Lent, a tradition that began centuries ago when the oil was stored in sheep’s skin.

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Why are Ethiopian Orthodox Christians so conservative?

Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia are especially conservative on social issues. In answers to a series of questions on the morality of specific behaviors, Ethiopian Orthodox Christians are more likely than Orthodox Christians in most other countries surveyed to express moral opposition to abortion, divorce and drinking alcohol.

What do Orthodox Christians believe in?

Orthodox take socially conservative views on gender issues, homosexuality On environmentalism and homosexuality, Orthodox Christians are largely united in their views.

Does the Orthodox Church support same-sex marriage?

To put it another way, while it is certainly true that the Orthodox Church’s positions on same-sex marriage and homosexuality are socially conservative, the distinction in the data between the former Soviet states and the rest of the Orthodox world suggests that there is more at work here than church teaching alone.

What is the Orthodox Church’s stance on the environment?

Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, considered by some to be the spiritual leader of the world’s Eastern Orthodox Christians, has been called the “Green Patriarch” for his environmental activism. Most Orthodox Christians share the view that the environment should be protected even at the expense of economic growth.