What is the rank in 99.6 percentile?

What is the rank in 99.6 percentile?

around 185 to 190 out of 300
So if we look back, then as per this year’s Jee Main Marks vs percentile data, 99.6 percentile score would be around 185 to 190 out of 300.

What rank is 99 percentile in JEE Main 2021?

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will announce the JEE Main 2021 result in the form of the NTA Score/Percentile. It is so, in 2020, candidates with 99 percentile got ranks around 8,470.

How many unique students are there in JEE Mains 2021?

22 Lakh
Out of 22 lakh, more than half of the candidates opted for multiple attempts. Top States in JEE Main 2021 Registrations….

Year Total No. of Registrations
2021 22 Lakh
2020 9.5 Lakh
2019 10 Lakh

Can I get nit with 99.6 percentile?

Yes, there are some chances.

Can I get nit with 99 percentile OBC?

99 percentile means the General Rank would be around 8690. The OBC rank with respect to the CRL rank is around 1500- 2000. It is a great performance indeed. You may get chance in top NITs such as NIT Warangal, NIT Surathkal, NIT Rourkela and many other top NITs.

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What is a good score in the JEE Mains 2021?

A good score in JEE Main can be 250+. As NTA is announcing JEE Main 2021 results in the form of percentile, you can check the good percentile here. According to the previous years’ trends, the good JEE Main percentile or score required to appear for JEE Advanced was high.

What is the rank of JEE Advanced in 2018?

JEE Advanced Marks vs Rank – 2018 Rank Percentile Marks Secure 1 94\% 337 marks 10 86\% 310 marks 100 76\% 272 marks 500 64\% 231 marks

What should be my rank in the JEE Mains after 4 attempts?

See theoretically your rank should around 13k but practically I think your rank must be in between 19k to 20 k considering 4 attempts . Because many students keep on improving their percentile which impacts directly on the rank . I know my friend who also give jee Mains this year .

Which IIT will conduct JEE Advanced 2021?

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The responsibility to conduct JEE Advanced rotates among 7 Zonal IITs. IIT Roorkee is the conducting authority of 2021 JEE Advanced. Keeping in mind the importance of this exam, the conducting body makes it sure to release dates relevant to this exam soon after the completion of JEE Mains.