
What is the rank of Army Public School?

What is the rank of Army Public School?

Army Public School, Delhi Cantt It is ranked No: 2 in All India Ranking for extra ordinary leadership by the Education World Grand Jury Awards.

How many APS does Delhi have?

It has 3700 students on its roll in 88 sections in classes from I to XII….Army Public School, Delhi Cantt.

Army Public School, Sadar Bazar, Delhi Cantt
Principal Mrs Neetu Kapoor
Classes 1 – 12
Pincode 110010

Who is the principal of Army Public School Delhi Cantt?

Mrs Neetu Kapoor
The Army Public School, Delhi Cantt is a school located in the Delhi Cantt area, in Delhi, India….Army Public School, Delhi Cantt.

Army Public School, Sadar Bazar, Delhi Cantt
School board CBSE
Principal Mrs Neetu Kapoor
Classes 1 – 12
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Is Army Public School a residential school?

Army Public School, Dagshai is a Coed Boarding School with classes from V to XII located in Dagshai.

Why Army Public School Delhi Cantonment?

Army Public School, Delhi Cantt. was established with a unique objective of catering to the educational needs of the wards of army personnels. Since its inception in 1989, it has come a long way and stands as one of the elite institutions in the country. It is situated in the salubrious surroundings of Delhi cantonment.

What is it like to study in an army school in Delhi?

Delhi being the capital city of India has a strong military base. Few army schools are set up in Delhi to the educational needs of the children. These schools offer quality education in all their schools. They are known for their disciplinary approach. All the teachers are well trained and qualified in their related field.

Which is the best CBSE school in New Delhi?

APS Delhi Cantt is one of Best CBSE Schools in New Delhi, therefore it comes with a systematic, simple registration and admission process. It also accepts online payments and an online admission enquiry. Moreover, for enquiry on more procedure contact school through Army Public School New Delhi Online Admission Form.

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How is NIT Delhi in terms of Education?

Since its inception in 1989, it has come a long way and stands as one of the elite institutions in the country. It is situated in the salubrious surroundings of Delhi cantonment. The school has made an indelible mark in the field of education by achieving excellence in various fields.