What is Yogi and Avayogi in astrology?

What is Yogi and Avayogi in astrology?

Yogi planet: This planet acts as a catalyst that helps in success and prosperity in life during their Dasha period. Avayogi: This is just the opposite of Yogi planet which creates obstacles and hindrances in success and prosperity.

How do I know my yogi point?

337 + 93.20 = 430.20 degrees. This total count of Sun’s longitude + Moon’s longitude + 93.20 degree is known as Yogi Point….

  1. Again, count the longitude degree of Sun from Aries 0 degrees.
  2. Add both numbers – 293 + 44 = 337 degree.

Which Nakshatra is good for Venus?

It gives good results when situated at Ashlesha, jyeshtha, Revati, Krittika, Swati and Ardra nakshatras. It gives bad results when located on Bharani, Purvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishta.

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What is Avayogi star planet?

Avayogi: This is the planet which obstructs prosperity in the best way it can. If the Dasa or Bhukti lord is either the lord, in the sign of, or in the Nakshatra of either the Yogi, Avayogi, or Duplicate Yogi then that planet will give prosperity, or cause obstruction of prosperity whatever the case may be.

What does the word Yogi mean?

Definition of yogi 1 : a person who practices yoga. 2 capitalized : an adherent of Yoga philosophy. 3 : a markedly reflective or mystical person.

What is a Yogi 2 points?

Definition of yogi 1 : a person who practices yoga. 2 capitalized : an adherent of Yoga philosophy. 3 : a markedly reflective or mystical person.

What is Dagdha Rashi?

Dagdha Rashi is the result of the combination of Day, Tithi( lunar day) and Nakshaktra(constellation). It’s also called Burnt sign. Since one Tithi contains Poornima (Full moon) and one Amavasya (New moon) it an aggregate 30 Tithis and these 30 Tithis make one lunar month.

How is Venus in Ardra nakshatra?

Interpretation of Venus in Ardra Nakshatra – Venus is in friendly sign here as Gemini is ruled by Mercury. It is in nakshatra of Rahu. As Ardra is ruled by Rahu and represents scientific and technological inventions, Venus in Ardra shows that a person can serve people through such inventions or in such fields.

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How is Ardra nakshatra?

Ardra is the name of a nakṣatra in Hindu astrology, the sixth depending on numbering scheme used. The Sanskrit name Ārdrā translates to “green” or “the moist one”. It is associated with the star Betelgeuse (α Ori). The Ardra nakshatra extends from 06 degrees 40 minutes to 20 degrees 00 minutes of Mithun (Gemini).

Who is Venus in astrology?

Venus is the planet of love, relationships and intimacy. However, she also colors your personality by giving insight into what you value, your aesthetics, style, fashion and tastes. Be sure to look up your Venus sign and find out what it means for you!

Which planet is the yogi point falling in Ardra nakshatra?

So, Yogi Point is falling in Ardra Nakshatra and Gemini Sign. Ardra’s lord is Rahu and Gemini’s lord is Mercury. So, Rahu becomes my Yogi Planet and Mercury becomes my Duplicate Yogi Planet.

What is the difference between Yogi and avayogi nakshatra?

The nakshatra lord where this point falls becomes a Yogi planet. The sign having this point, its lord becomes the Duplicate yogi planet. The lord of 6th nakshatra from the yogi nakshatra is the Avayogi nakshatra and its lord is the Avayogi planet. (The rule that sixth house represents our enemies continues with yogi and Avayogi planet also)

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What is Yogi planet in astrology?

Yogi planet is placed in a Kendra/trine gets the strength of producing good results during its MD/AD. Sometimes Yogi planet behaves in a better way as compared to Lagan Nakashtra lord or any best-placed planet in the chart. Association of Yogi planet with the lord of Lagana or Yogyakarta multiplies their significations.

Which planet is called avayogi planet?

Lastly for Avayogi planet, 6 th Nakashtra from Rohini is Ashlesha, whose lord is Mercury. As such Mercury becomes Avayogi planet. Yogi planet is placed in a Kendra/trine gets the strength of producing good results during its MD/AD.