What is your expectations from girl for marriage?

What is your expectations from girl for marriage?

If she is good at decision making, self-made and very ambitious in life would be appreciated. Most Important is she should be positive, responsible, loving, caring towards my family and balance the good relationship between both the families.

What do we expect in marriage?

There are many things you should expect from your marriage such as commitment, trust, honesty, and love. There are also things you should not expect, like mind-reading or never having a disagreement. Having a realistic expectation of your life as a couple will help you have a healthier and stronger bond in the future.

How do you deal with expectations in your marriage?

5 Ways to Overcome Unmet Expectations

  1. Understand that your marriage takes work. It’s time to take some inventory.
  2. Know that, “It’s not what I thought it would be,” isn’t a way out.
  3. Speak into your spouse who they are, not what they aren’t doing.
  4. Establish marital roles.
  5. Grace, grace, grace.
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What are your new expectations for marriage?

Here are my new, revised expectations for marriage: That Christ will work in our hearts to do only what He can do in a marriage . . . To follow Christ with our lives and grow in 1 Corinthians 13 love, despite both of our failures. To show a deep respect for my husband. To find my fulfillment in Christ—not in my husband.

What are 1212 reasonable expectations in a marriage?

12 Reasonable Expectations that Could Save Your Marriage. As the relationship changes and evolves, it grows only by accepting – and fulfilling – reasonable expectations, which include: Commitment in the marriage, Verbal affection, Compassion and empathy for each other’s feelings, Respect for each other,

What do people entering into arranged marriages think about marriage?

People entering into arranged marriages tend to look first at the practical aspects of forming a solid partnership, with the hope that affection and possibly love will grow over time. It is theorized that a more realistic foundation of what a marriage means results in a commitment to the marriage,…

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What does the Bible say about arranged marriages?

Arranged marriages were common as far back as Biblical times and beyond. The traditional purposes of these types of unions were political, military, and social. They were commonplace among the royalty and nobility around the world. In ancient Egypt, for example, one of the chief goals of arranged marriage was to keep royal bloodlines pure.