
What is your unpopular opinion about Hermione Granger?

What is your unpopular opinion about Hermione Granger?

In another unpopular opinion, Redditor DarkLordRowan vents that Hermione doesn’t really have a character arc at all: “Her character from the beginning of the series is almost identical to her character at the end of the series.” The fan calls her personality “static unchanging,” who only found meaning in trying to …

Is Hermione a good character?

Hermione is good- natured and adventurous, and always helpful and brilliant. When in doubt, she turns to books, and usually she knows how to find an answer. Hermione is perhaps the most compulsive and reasonable character in the book.

Is Hermione overrated Quora?

No, Hermione from the books is not over rated. She is just right. or a “literal goddess” like I’ve seen some of the movies’s haters do here on Quora then yes, they do overrate her.

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Is Hermione a good leader?

Hermione is often thought of as brilliant, but rarely as a leader. In fact, she is one of the most important leaders in the series. Hers is a feminist leadership of building power with others, rather than over them.

Is Hermione a badly written character?

She’s not a badly written character, but she’s a badly handled character… if that makes sense. She is a three dimensional character, she has her flaws and she makes questionable decisions, bad decisions and she sometimes behaves in a not so stellar way.

Why does Reddit hate Hermione?

People dislike the films portrayal of Hermione which downplay her more negative qualities and have her take screen time away from other characters. Ron in particular suffers because of this since she ends up getting most of the lines that he said in the book.

Why do we hate Hermione Granger so much?

For all of her positive notes, there are many reasons why we absolutely hate Hermione Granger. (Photo: Release) She just can’t keep her mouth shut. Every class, Hermione acts like such a know it all. Okay… maybe she does know everything, but, girl, there’s no need to rub it in our stupid faces! (Photo: Release) She just can’t keep her mouth shut.

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Do you ship Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley?

Not many people ship Hermione and Ron—and that’s because they had a very toxic relationship. She feels entitled to him and even physically attacks him in ‘Deathly Hallows.” (Photo: Release) Not many people ship Hermione and Ron—and that’s because they had a very toxic relationship.

What’s the worst part of the Harry Potter series?

The worst is the end of Half Blood Prince where Harry and Hermione are talking on the tower and Ron’s just sitting there looking dopey. They literally talk about him when he’s right there like he’s a child. Basically, they took the best of all three characters and gave it to Hermione. I like Hermione in the books, just as I like the other two.

How does Hermione get the idea to visit Harry?

Hermione get’s an idea, leaves without telling anyone, tell Harry he has to come see her later on, while he’s on a date, then when he appears, after his disaster of a date]