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What language is more useful French or Spanish?

What language is more useful French or Spanish?

Which language is more useful – French or Spanish? Like determining whether French or Spanish is easier to learn, the answer to this question is pretty subjective. They are two of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world, while French is the 5th most spoken.

Is it more beneficial to learn Spanish or French?

So, learning the language you’re exposed to most may have more immediate effects on your life. If you’re in Canada, for example, learning French could open up job opportunities. If you’re in the United States, you’re more likely to see Spanish speakers on a regular basis.

Should I learn French or Spanish?

If you live in the USA, take French. If you live in Canada, the UK, Australia, Ireland, or New Zealand, take Spanish. This is because most people in the USA would take Spanish, and most people in Canada (well, it’s mandatory to learn French in Canada), the UK, Australia, Ireland (most would learn Irish though), and New Zealand would take French.

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Which foreign languages can Spanish fluency help you learn?

Moreover, Spanish fluency can go a long way towards helping you learn Portuguese, Catalan, and Filipino due to various similarities. (ii) French: Like it or not, French is a global language.

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Plus, Spanish is advantageous in countries like the USA and Spain. Moreover, Spanish fluency can go a long way towards helping you learn Portuguese, Catalan, and Filipino due to various similarities. (ii) French: Like it or not, French is a global language. It is probably the only language after English that is taught in all countries.

What is the difference between Spanish and France?

Spanish is essential in South and Central America (except Brazil) whereas French is de-facto language in Quebec (Canada), North and Central Africa, and parts of Europe (France and neighbors). Globalization has had a dramatic impact on languages and the way people learn it.