
What languages require semicolons?

What languages require semicolons?

Slightly aged languages (some would call them business standards), such as C/C++, Java, C#, require you to put a semicolon at the end of every statement. Very old languages, such as COBOL or ABAP, even require something different, such as a dot.

Why does Python use semicolons?

A semi-colon in Python denotes separation, rather than termination. It allows you to write multiple statements on the same line. This syntax also makes it legal to put a semicolon at the end of a single statement: Python is supposed to be clean and readable.

Why are colons used in programming?

Some programming languages have made the design choice of using the semi-colon as a symbol delimiting one “sentence” of code from the next for easier syntactic analysis. There are many languages that do not use it, including but not limited to the Lisp family of languages, Python, etc.

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Does Python ever use semicolons?

Why are semicolons allowed in Python? Python does not require semi-colons to terminate statements. Semicolons can be used to delimit statements if you wish to put multiple statements on the same line. This syntax also makes it legal to put a semicolon at the end of a single statement.

What does a semicolon indicate?

noun. the punctuation mark (;) used to indicate a major division in a sentence where a more distinct separation is felt between clauses or items on a list than is indicated by a comma, as between the two clauses of a compound sentence.

Does react require semicolons?

For example, React still includes semicolons in its docs, but Vue does not. Vue was my next stop in JavaScript frameworks after jQuery and React, and I decided to adopt the no-semicolon coding style featured in the docs.

What is a semicolon used for in programming languages?

A semicolon is used in programming to denote the end of a complete statement. Some older programming languages like COBOL and Fortran don’t have a similar construct. Why? Because lack of line ending character it is an artifact of punched cards.

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What happens if there is no semicolon in Scala?

The absence of Semicolon throws an error by the compiler which has to be rectified. It also lets the compiler know the end of the statement. Semicolon plays a vital role in all the programming language by marking the end of the statement. But Semicolon in Scala, not only marks the end of the statement but also the end of the expression.

Do you put a semicolon at the end of a statement?

The semicolon appears at the end of every line of code in C, except for after certain braces (e.g. if statements, function definitions ). So a semicolon is still needed after a forward declaration. Semicolons end statements in C.

Is Python dependent on semicolons?

Python, one of the most “beginner-friendly” languages in the world, is not dependent on semicolons. When we design a language, we want something compilers can easily work with, when considering that anyone can write any sort of code that fits the specification of the language.