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What level of math is discrete mathematics?

What level of math is discrete mathematics?

Discrete math — together with calculus and abstract algebra — is one of the core components of mathematics at the undergraduate level. Students who learn a significant quantity of discrete math before entering college will be at a significant advantage when taking undergraduate-level math courses.

When should you study discrete mathematics?

Concepts and notations from discrete mathematics are useful in studying and describing objects and problems in branches of computer science, such as computer algorithms, programming languages, cryptography, automated theorem proving, and software development.

Do you need calculus before discrete math?

Calculus isn’t really needed to understand discrete math, but if calculus is a prerequisite for the class, there are a number of good examples and homework problems that the professor might use that would indeed require calculus.

How can I be an expert in mathematics?

10 Tips for Math Success

  1. Do all of the homework. Don’t ever think of homework as a choice.
  2. Fight not to miss class.
  3. Find a friend to be your study partner.
  4. Establish a good relationship with the teacher.
  5. Analyze and understand every mistake.
  6. Get help fast.
  7. Don’t swallow your questions.
  8. Basic skills are essential.
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What is the best textbook for discrete mathematics?

A very good textbook for discrete mathematics at an undergraduate level is the Kenneth Rosen book titled Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. The book provides solutions to half of the problems. You can also buy the Student’s Solutions Guide.

What is the best book to start learning Concrete Mathematics?

You would be much better served starting with an introductory text (I think Epp’s Discrete Mathematics with Applications is excellent), and afterwards going to that book. Concrete Mathematics is an amazing book, but it assumes you already know the basics that would be taught in a 1-semester course on the subject.

What are some of the best math books for beginners?

The Princeton Companion to Mathematics: By June Barrow-Green, Timothy Gowers, and Imre Leader. This is one of the best math books that every mathematician and student must have.

Do I need to study discrete mathematics?

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It certainly wouldn’t hurt to study discrete mathematics (perhaps take a look at Kenneth Rosen’s Discrete Mathematics and its Applications ); it all depends on the time-frame you have available, your level of commitment, your capacity to stay focused, and the confidence you have in your abilities.