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What made musical play so popular?

What made musical play so popular?

5 Reasons Musical Theatre is so Popular Today

  • Glee. Glee.
  • Talent shows. If there’s one thing us Brits are known for, it’s loving a good (or bad) talent show.
  • Films. In theory, our access to film should be making the musical theatre industry less popular.
  • Cross musical genres.
  • Groupon.

When did American musical Theatre gain popularity?

Wodehouse took this a step further with the Princess Theatre shows, putting believable people and situations on the musical stage. During the same years, Florenz Ziegfeld introduced his Follies, the ultimate stage revue. In the 1920s, the American musical comedy gained worldwide influence.

Why is musical Theatre so important?

Most importantly, musical theatre fosters a social awareness through exposure to the social issues, events and cultures that are portrayed in the scripts. These very things help students to develop an ability to understand works of literature, performance and expression in general.

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Why was musical Theatre created?

Historians believe that musical theater began in ancient Greece about 2,500 years ago. The ancient Greeks staged comedies and tragedies that included music and dance in open-air amphitheaters. During the 12th and 13th centuries, churches used musical theater to set their services to religious chants.

How does musical Theatre reflect or change society?

In addition to teaching self-expression, the performing arts help society as a whole in self-knowledge and understanding. Theatre and the performing arts teach society about itself, hoping to point out the attitudes and mindsets of current society. It can be a tool used to educate people about their current conditions.

What is Theatre and why is it important?

Theatre promotes us to give power to truth, to take risks and to advocate for new and diverse voices. Theatre reminds us that we are not alone. Not only are we sharing space and an experience with the artists who are performing, we are sharing the experience with fellow audience members.

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Why is Broadway significant to musical Theatre?

Most Broadway shows are musicals. Historian Martin Shefter argues that “‘Broadway musicals’, culminating in the productions of Rodgers and Hammerstein, became enormously influential forms of American popular culture” and contributed to making New York City the cultural capital of the world.”

What is theatre and why is it important?

What impact did musical theatre have on society?

How do musicals affect society?

Musicals have a fundamental place in society where storytelling and music, two of the most expressive artforms connect and allow for a unique way of storytelling that has been praised by critics. Musicals have staked their place in pop culture and guaranteed that they will not being going anywhere anytime soon.

How is Theatre beneficial?

Theatre brings play, humor, and laughter to learning; this improves motivation and reduces stress. Trust: The social interaction and risk taking in drama develop trust in self, others, and the process.

Why is musical theatre so popular today?

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5 Reasons Musical Theatre is so Popular Today 1 Glee 2 Talent shows 3 Films 4 Cross musical genres 5 Groupon

Why did musicals become more popular after 9/11?

Musicals became more prominent after 9/11 because it was a smart way to tackle political issues and social issues without being too controversial. People expected musicals to be unbiased and happy, so it was easy to subliminally present political issues without being condemned for being too insensitive.

Why do we love Broadway musicals?

Broadway shows take on social and political issues, without being too controversial. The majority of musicals will engage you in the story, without being too biased or insensitive. Although we are living in one of the best times, history reminds us about times, when things were simpler.

Are musicals becoming less popular?

And the answer is: most usually aren’t. They reached their peak in popularity in the mid-20th century. Nowadays, the most successful straight (i.e., non-musical) “plays” are done on film and TV, where the camera and soundtrack substitute for the musical and scenic elements omitted from realistic plays.