
What makes a person more likely to be brainwashed?

What makes a person more likely to be brainwashed?

It is generally people that are vulnerable in some way and are, therefore, susceptible to a different way of thinking that are more likely to become brainwashed. This could include people that have: Lost their loved one through divorce or death. Been made redundant or sacked from their job.

How do people come out of a brainwashed state?

Many people are shocked out of their brainwashed state by losing their job or by seeing the inanity or immorality of decisions that are made around them at work. They realize that they have one life to live and that they can’t fall back on the excuse “I’m only doing my job” when their heart and their brain are in conflict.

Is brainwashing a form of mind control?

Brainwashing as in actual mind control is more or less rejected by modern psychology and psychiatry. Brainwashing as in falling under the spell of a charismatic individual, happens for a variety of reasons. Sense of emotional isolation, need for greater purpose, physical isolation, and general gullibility all certainly play a part.

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Is brainwashing real or fiction?

Brainwashing is not just the stuff of fiction or the past, it is real and present in many forms of today’s society. There are things you can do to stop yourself from being brainwashed:

Can someone who has been brainwashed recover?

Someone who has been brainwashed can recover, as research and past studies have shown that brainwashing is a temporary condition at best and leaves no lasting damage on a person’s psyche. Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years.

Is the complexity of brainwashing in modern society now computer generated?

The complexity of brainwashing in modern society is now computer generated. Computers do not need sleep, Time to think, And to learn about an ever increasing complexity in the interpretation of information. The human element is that it was the mind that created technology, And not technology that created the mind.