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What role does religion play in science?

What role does religion play in science?

Science and religion are closely interconnected in the scientific study of religion, which can be traced back to seventeenth-century natural histories of religion. Natural historians attempted to provide naturalistic explanations for human behavior and culture, for domains such as religion, emotions, and morality.

How does Christianity influence science?

Though he acknowledges that modern science emerged in a religious framework, that Christianity greatly elevated the importance of science by sanctioning and religiously legitimizing it in medieval period, and that Christianity created a favorable social context for it to grow; he argues that direct Christian beliefs or …

How did religious institutions most influence the scientific revolution?

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Many of the leaders of the Scientific Revolution were products of the Protestant Reformation, such as Kepler, Newton, and others. The Protestant Reformation gave ” permission” to challenge the writings of the Greeks which had been endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church. The Renaissance focused attention on human reason.

How did the Scientific Revolution affect religion and society?

The Renaissance focused attention on human reason. The Renaissance also influenced the Scientific Revolution. The later success of the Scientific Revolution made science the most trusted authority on what is truth and how truth is found. This undermined the authority of religion in the view of most of society.

How did the church respond to the Scientific Revolution?

Church officials feared that as people began to believe scientific ideas, then people would start to question the Church, making people doubt key elements of the faith. Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the powerful influence of the Church.

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How did the Scientific Revolution affect the church?

The Scientific Revolution challenged the Catholic Church and introduced people to new ways of thinking. It was based on the idea of a universe that could be explained and understood through reason. The scientific method was created as a uniform way to seek answers to questions.

Why did the church consider the discoveries of the scientific revolution to be a threat?

One reason was that scientific ideas contradicted with Church teachings. The second reason was that if people were to contradict with the Church teachings, they weakened the Church. Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the powerful influence of the Church.

What does religion have to do with the scientific revolution?

In short, what, if anything, does religion have to do with the Scientific Revolution? As long as science has existed, religionists have been attempting to reconcile religion and science. Recently, a new breed of scholars has asserted that religion itself—in particular Christianity—actually caused the birth of science.

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Do religions accelerate or hinder scientific progress?

Historically it seems that earlier in the life of a religion and usually within its geographical sphere of influence, there is a rapid acceleration of scientific endeavor and its progress, but after only a few hundred years that tends to halt, and it even caused the regression of scientific development in areas under its influence.

What is the relationship between religion and science?

Religion has stifled and even suppressed science (Galileo, Copernicus, Ben Franklin and anatomy, George Bush and his ban on using embryonic stem cells). This slowed scientific “advancement”. A LOT.

Did religion really cause the birth of Science?

Recently, a new breed of scholars has asserted that religion itself—in particular Christianity—actually caused the birth of science. What are the facts of the matter? Toward answering that question, let us first review some earlier and relevant historical developments; then we will turn to relevant highlights of the Scientific Revolution itself.