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What should I avoid in Norway?

What should I avoid in Norway?

11 Things Tourists Should Never Do in Norway

  • Expect to buy strong alcohol at the supermarket…
  • …or even beer, at certain hours and certain days.
  • Say anything negative about the King, ever.
  • Get a taxi without checking their budget first.
  • Drink publicly on a weekday.
  • Only eat at burger places and pølse (hot dog) stands.

Are Norwegians friendly to tourists?

The study shows that Norwegians are predominantly opposed to allow tourists enter Norway, except from visitors from Denmark where 44\% Norwegians support Danish tourists to visit. The Norwegians’ least wanted tourists are on the other hand Americans, Chinese and Swedes where respectively 77\%, 73\% and 73\% oppose.

Can you drink water from the tap in Norway?

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Tap water is considered safe and sane to drink all over Norway. Bottled water from Norwegian sources is gaining popularity at the expense of soda products.

What should I know before visiting Norway?

Regardless of where you are in the process, here are 17 things you should know before visiting Norway: 1. Norway is a Scandinavian Country We Norwegians tend to believe that Norway is the center of the earth and everyone knows who we are.

How can I avoid spending too much money in Norway?

One way to avoid spending too much money during your travels in Norway is to eat less at restaurants. Purchasing your own food at a supermarket is much cheaper than going out every day. Unlike many other countries, Norway doesn’t have a culture of going out to eat.

Do people speak English in Norway?

The majority of Norwegians speaks English. Even though some are a bit shy to have a full conversation, they are able to understand most and to help you with any questions you might have. So, don’t be afraid of saying hi to a stranger! 5. Norway is a Safe Country to Visit

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What to pack for your trip to Norway?

The weather, as mentioned above, changes a lot between seasons in Norway so you always want to bring enough clothes. Most importantly, if you’re planning to go on some hikes during your visit, you need to bring an extra layer of clothes.