What should I prepare for coding interview?

What should I prepare for coding interview?

10 Topics You Should Prepare for Coding and Programming Interviews

  • Data Structure.
  • Algorithms.
  • System Design.
  • Multithreading and Concurrency.
  • Database Design and SQL.
  • Linux Commands and Concepts.
  • Computer Science Basics.
  • Computer Networks.

How do you crack the coding interview Quora?

Here is a sequence I recommend:

  1. (Before starting CTCI) Master important data structures.
  2. Master a few classic algorithms: You should know how to implement them in < 10 minutes if you practice them a few times.
  3. Prepare for Recursion and Backtracking: Used very often.
  4. Start Cracking the Coding Interview (CTCI).

When should you study Cracking the Coding Interview?

When you’re studying the first thing I recommend is do chapters one through five and seven through ten. Skip chapter six, skip the remaining chapters unless there is specific knowledge in there that you need for your interview. Secondly, decide if you’re going to take a depth first or a breadth first approach.

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Is Cracking the Coding Interview enough Quora?

Simply put, no. There’s no doubt that Cracking The Coding Interview (CTCI) is a great tool for honing your coding skills. But in today’s competitive job landscape, you need a lot more than sharp coding skills to get hired by Google.

What is asked in coding interviews?

Coding interviews are comprised mainly of data structure and algorithm-based questions as well as some of the logical questions such as, How do you swap two integers without using a temporary variable? I think it’s helpful to divide coding interview questions into different topic areas.

How to crack the coding interview?

Here are 9 things that you should know to crack the coding interview: Knowing how to code algorithms is a big part of cracking the coding interview. Writing code for problems in coding interviews is very different from the regular code you write as part of your job.

What is the Big O in cracking the coding interview?

McDowell dedicates a huge section of Cracking the Coding Interview to the Big O: 1 Analogies 2 Time and space complexity 3 Dropping constants, non-dominant terms 4 Multi-part algorithms 5 Amortized time 6 Log N runtimes 7 Recursive runtimes

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What is the best book for prepping for coding interviews?

With Cracking the Coding Interview, I think it is the best book for prepping for interviews and I highly highly recommend that you get a copy if you haven’t already. And it doesn’t even matter you don’t even need the most recent edition any edition will do. It’s just a really good starting point.

Do coding interviews at top tech companies give you The Chills?

Coding interviews at top tech companies can give even seasoned programmers the chills. In fact, not many things make software engineers shudder as much as technical interviews.