
What should I read if I liked Hannibal?

What should I read if I liked Hannibal?

Red Dragon is set after the capture of Lecter, and follows Graham as he tries to solve a string of murders.

  • Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King.
  • Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
  • The Cutting Room by Jilliane Hoffman.
  • American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis.
  • Follow You Home by Mark Edwards.
  • The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks.

What book is Hannibal Lecter reading in his cell?

But when Starling confronts Lecter – she finds him in his cell, reading the Italian edition of Vogue and turning its pages with his six-fingered left hand – she manages to treat him with frankness and courtesy. Grateful for this, or so he says, he offers her a tip about one of his old murder victims.

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What should I read if I like Silence of the Lambs?

A Reading List for Fans of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS

  • The Fourth Monkey (A 4MK Thriller) By J. D. Barker. THE THIRST by Jo Nesbo.
  • The Thirst: A Harry Hole Novel (Harry Hole Series) By Jo Nesbo. EENY MEENY by MJ Arlidge.
  • Eeny Meeny (A Helen Grace Thriller) By M. J. Arlidge. IRENE by Pierre Lemaitre.
  • Irene. By Pierre Lemaitre.

What book is Hannibal based on?

The TV series ‘Hannibal’ is based on only five pages of the 1981 book ‘Red Dragon,’ serving as a prequel to ‘The Silence of the Lambs. ‘ ‘Hannibal’ stars Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter.

Is Hannibal Lecter real?

Hannibal Lecter is a fictional character created by novelist Thomas Harris. Lecter is a serial killer who eats his victims. Before his capture, he was a respected forensic psychiatrist; after his incarceration, he is consulted by FBI agents Will Graham and Clarice Starling to help them find other serial killers.

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What is the best order to read the Hannibal Lecter books?

The order in which they happen, chronologically, is Hannibal Rising, Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. However, I recommend them to be read in the order of how good they are.

What instrument does Hannibal Lecter play in silence of the Lambs?

In the famous scene from the Silence of the Lambs, you can notice that Lecter is a huge fan of Bach – especially the Goldberg Variations (named after the possible first performer of these compositions). In the TV series, we can also see Hannibal playing the beautiful aria on his antique harpsichord.

Did Hannibal Lecter really fresco the walls of his mind?

From the Hannibal book, we learn that: “Like Giotto, Dr. Lecter has frescoed the walls of his mind.” Quite often, our favorite psychiatrist mentions the “Memory Palace” mnemonic technique he uses to store vast amounts of information. One of the earliest mentions of the “Memory Palace” can be found in the works of Cicero.

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Are there any books about cannibalism in literature?

In fact, the original works about the cannibal contain many direct literary references. The rest is a matter of conjecture. Now it’s time for you to devour the books from the list below. Hopefully, you’ll become a little bit more like the Hannibal (in a good way).