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What should I study in college to make a lot of money?

What should I study in college to make a lot of money?

College Majors with the Highest Starting Salaries

  • Computer Science. Technology is a major player when it comes to industries with the highest starting salaries.
  • Engineering.
  • Math and Sciences.
  • Social Sciences.
  • Humanities.
  • Business.
  • Communications.
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources.

What major makes alot of money?

In between, computational and applied mathematics, aeronautics, building science, and mechatronics top the ranks of college majors that earn the most money early to mid-career. Within the list, engineer-related college majors dominate, with petroleum engineering majors making the most mid-career pay at $187,300.

What majors will make you rich?

Here, in rank order, are the top 10:

  • Computer science.
  • Economics.
  • Accounting.
  • Engineering.
  • Business administration.
  • Sociology/social work.
  • Mathematics/statistics.
  • Psychology.
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What are some good college majors that make a lot of money?

College majors: Political science, business, history, classics, international relations, philosophy…and much more (PS These majors are different from a pre-law degree advising track.) Law is another fairly obvious career choice that makes a lot of money.

Is a college degree a good investment?

While statistics show that a college degree will undoubtedly open doors and increase your earning potential, you need to choose your degree carefully to ensure you’re making a wise investment. Last week, we highlighted 8 college degrees with a poor return on investment.

What is the most important course to take in college?

College is generally the time when individuals realize what they want to do with their lives. Although this list is in no particular order, I think accounting is, by far, the most important course to take if you want to succeed financially.

What are the highest-paying careers?

Law is another fairly obvious career choice that makes a lot of money. According to the OOH, the median pay for lawyers is more than $118,000 a year. FYI, the field is also growing at an average rate. But did you know that law, like medicine, is another high-paying career where you can major in all kinds of things in college?