
What things can one generation learn from another?

What things can one generation learn from another?

Some of these activities include: genealogy, storytelling, scrapbooking, art, gardening, music, community service projects, technology, cooking, crafts, games, traveling, fishing, nature walks, movies and sports. Many of these provide opportunities for lessons learned and taught for everyone involved.

What do you think is the best gift that you can give to the next generation?

Soil and water are the most important wealth that we possess, without which there is no life for future generations. The greatest gift that we can give the next generation is rich soil and abundant water flowing in our rivers.

What do you learn from your elders question answer?

Explanation: we can learn manners and how to behave with others from our elders . Elders tells us that never to do wrong things .

What advice would you give to younger generation?

“Don’t take life so seriously. Even if things seem dark and hopeless, try to laugh at how ridiculous life is.” “A true friend will come running if you call them at 12am; everyone else is just an acquaintance.” “The most important person in your life is the person who agreed to share their life with you.

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What can you gift a male friend?

Gifts for Male Friend

  • Gifts. Chocolates. Plants. Unusual Gifts.
  • Flowers. Mixed Flowers. Roses. Carnations.
  • Cakes. Eggless Cakes. Cartoon Cakes. Alphabet N Number Cakes.
  • Combos. Flowers & Chocolates. Flowers & Guitarist Service. Chocolate Combos.
  • Personalised Gifts. Personalised Chocolates. Personalised Caricatures.

How does one generation pass on its values to the next?

The way that one generation passes on its values to the next usually reflects the same philosophy and attitudes as the transfer of wealth. For example, someone who passes on the value of compassion and service will likely also pass on assets to charity.

Does the next generation want our stuff?

The next generation may not want our “stuff,” but they will want our traditions. It only takes one generation neglecting to pass down a heritage to the next generation for a way of life or belief system to vanish.

What powerful gifts can we pass on to the next generation?

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In the spirit of this verse’s encouragement, here are 10 powerful gifts we can pass on to the next generation: 1. Prayer When we had a prodigal daughter, I prayed for her daily, tearfully, and persistently. I knew that I might not see changes in her in my lifetime, but still I prayed God’s will for her life.

What legacy do you hope to share with the next generation?

The legacy I hope to share with the next generations in our family is that Mom/Grammie loved Jesus and lived what she believed. I will utter hidden things, things from of old— things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us.