
What to do if someone is trying to steal your bike?

What to do if someone is trying to steal your bike?

10 things to do if your bike’s been stolen!

  1. Alert social media.
  2. List your bike as stolen.
  3. Report the theft to the police.
  4. File an insurance claim.
  5. Report it to Kryptonite or OnGuard.
  6. Check ebay, Gumtree, craigslist. How to set up alerts.
  7. Check the flea markets and pawn shops!
  8. Let your local bike shops know.

What’s the best way to lock up your motorcycle?

For maximum protection, Kryptonite recommends using two locks: a disc lock, to prevent roll away theft, as well as a chain or u-lock that is fixed to an immovable object to prevent lift away theft. Make sure the chain or u-lock is capturing the frame of the motorcycle, as well as the immovable object.

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What prevents a motorcycle from being stolen?

Lock your ignition and remove the key. Most bike thefts occur when the ignition is shut off, but not locked. Lock the forks or disk brakes with locks that have large, brightly colored tags. If traveling with other riders, lock motorcycles together when not in use.

What motorcycle gets stolen the most?

Most stolen motorcycle makes in the United States in 2019

Characteristic Number of thefts
American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 8,122
Yamaha Motor Corporation 6,495
Harley Davidson, Inc. 4,737
American Suzuki Motor Corporation 4,686

How do thieves steal motorcycles?

How do thieves steal motorcycles? Sometimes it’s as easy as throwing a leg over and riding away. The thief walks up to your bike, disables anti-theft devices and locks, jump starts the engine and hits the road with your bike. It just takes one person who can get dropped off or take a bus to get within walking distance.

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Do motorcycle thieves get caught?

Bike thieves do not want to get caught, and the longer they take to steal a bike, the more they risk being seen and stopped. This is why it’s crucial to secure your motorcycle using multiple tools and devices: if it looks like your bike will take more than two minutes to steal, chances are, the thieves won’t target it.

Is it bad to keep a motorcycle outside?

If you leave your ride outside, you will likely see rust and dirt buildup that might be impossible to remove. Once your bike sits outside for a winter, your ride immediately loses value because of the conditions it has been through. Many buyers will ask sellers before they purchase the bike where they stored it.