
What to do when your Neighbours tree is affecting you?

What to do when your Neighbours tree is affecting you?

You can apply to the Land and Environment Court seeking an order to address the problem. However, the Court will not usually make orders compelling your neighbour to do anything until it is satisfied that you have made a reasonable effort to reach agreement with your neighbour first.

Can I cut a tree overhanging my property?

Under common law, a person may cut back any branch (or root) from a neighbour’s tree that overhangs or encroaches onto their property. you must not trespass onto the land on which the trees are growing. branches or roots must not be cut back beyond the boundary in anticipation of them overhanging.

Can a neighbor cut down a tree on your property line?

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It is always best to check if there are any local laws about cutting a neighbor’s trees, but generally, most state and local laws permit you to prune parts of your neighbor’s tree that cross the property line into your side without asking your neighbor. You may only prune up to the property line and must stay on your property.

What happens if a tree falls on your neighbor’s tree?

The law protects the owner of a healthy tree if tree limbs were to fall on his neighbor’s property and cause injury or damage. Can You Trim Your Neighbor’s Trees?

Can a neighbor Sue a neighbor for tree root damage?

If the invading roots or branches cause serious harm to the neighbor’s property or threaten to do so, the neighbor may sue. “Serious harm” generally means structural damage to property, for example damaged roofs or walls, crushed pipes, clogged sewers, or cracked foundations.

Can I force my Neighbor to remove a tree in NJ?

One cannot legally force their neighbors to remove a tree in the state of New Jersey. If a tree falls on your home from a neighbor’s property, it is your homeowner’s policy that will cover the damage. But that doesn’t mean that there is no way to protect yourself if your neighbor is willfully ignoring a dead, dying or leaning tree.