
What to say if someone asks about your scars?

What to say if someone asks about your scars?

Give a brief, honest answer. Honesty is often the best policy when it comes to explaining self-harm scars, but you don’t have to go into detail. Acknowledge the scars and mention that they were from a tough time in your past, then let the subject go. The person you’re talking to may drop the subject as well.

Is it okay to ask someone about their scars?

Please stop asking people about their scars. Stop asking where they are from, what they are, if they hurt, if they’re regretted and really anything else you can think to ask another human about marks on their body. If someone wants to tell you about their scars, that’s amazing and you should feel honored.

Why do people cover scars?

People mainly choose to cover scars because they aren’t satisfied with their appearance. Most everyone has scars, but some people are less comfortable with how they look than others. Some people are simply more comfortable hiding their scars under tattoos.

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Is it rude to ask about scars?

Is it rude to ask someone where they got their scar(s) from? – Quora. Yes, it clearly is. Scars are symbol of pain and asking about it is a triggering event(even if the person handles it beautifully, you should know it was triggering).

How do you describe a scar?

A scar is the pale pink, brown, or silvery patch of skin that grows in the place where you once had a cut, scrape, or sore. A scar is your skin’s way of repairing itself from injury. Look at your skin. You probably have one or two scars already.

How should I talk about my scars?

Depending on how you feel about your scars, there are a number of ways you can respond. Start by thinking about what you feel comfortable disclosing to people. If you would prefer not to answer questions at all, you can avoid the issue by deflecting the question or concealing your scars. Don’t feel obligated to talk about the scars.

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How do you explain self-harm scars?

Give a brief, honest answer. Honesty is often the best policy when it comes to explaining self-harm scars, but you don’t have to go into detail. Acknowledge the scars and mention that they were from a tough time in your past, then let the subject go. The person you’re talking to may drop the subject as well.

How do you cover scars on your face?

If you want to permanently cover the scars, consider getting a tattoo. If you choose to use makeup, look for a heavy-duty concealer that’s designed to cover tattoos or scars. Many regular foundations don’t provide adequate coverage. Do not put makeup on a scar until it is fully healed.

Should I tell my ex-boyfriend how I Got my Scars?

If telling them how you got the scars would make you uncomfortable then politely say that it is personal and ask to move on. If you feel comfortable talking about it and are ready for a conversation on it, then go ahead and tell them. It is really your decision.