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What type of doctor has the most flexible schedule?

What type of doctor has the most flexible schedule?

Respondents gave these specialties the highest average rating for work hours and schedule flexibility:

  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation.
  • Dermatology.
  • Radiation oncology.
  • Orthopedic surgery.
  • Emergency medicine.

Which medical specialties is the easiest?

The following 6 medical specialties are those that ranked lowest, and are therefore the easiest to match into, relatively speaking….The 6 least competitive medical specialties are:

  • Family Medicine.
  • Pediatrics.
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
  • Psychiatry.
  • Anesthesiology.
  • Emergency Medicine.

How many hours do medical residents have to work?

In 2003, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) implemented rules limiting work hours for all residents, with the key components being that residents should work no more than 80 hours per week or 24 consecutive hours on duty, should not be “on-call” more than every third night, and should have 1 day off per week.

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Which medical field has the best hours?

Ophthalmology has pretty good hours. In general, as you specialize in these fields, you get busier. These fields listed above probably have the most POTENTIAL of good hours, and of course it depends on how much money you wanna make, how big your practice is, big the city or how far from the city you are, etc.

How many hours does a doctor work in a week?

Though this system faded away several decades ago, as recently as 15 years ago, resident physicians routinely worked 90–100 hours per week, for up to 36 consecutive hours without rest, for the entire duration of residency training.

How long do you have to work to qualify for maternity leave?

An eligible employee must have worked for an employer for at least 12 months, but not necessarily 12 months in a row. However, an eligible employee must have worked at least 1250 hours (approx. 24 hours/week on average) for the employer in the 12 months preceding the leave.