
What type of government is a police state?

What type of government is a police state?

A police state is a characteristic of authoritarian, totalitarianism or illiberal regimes (contrary to a liberal democratic regime).

What is an example of a communist state?

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam. These communist states often do not claim to have achieved socialism or communism in their countries but to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries.

What country has a police state?

Different issues arise in a ”totalitarian police state.” Some well-known examples include Nazi Germany between 1939 and 1945, fascist Italy, the Soviet Union, Ba’athist Iraq, Ba’athist Syria, Libya, Communist China, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).

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Was the Soviet Union a police state?

The Soviet Union was one of the world’s more durable police states – and it is now one of the best documented. From Stalin’s bloody terror to the less violent but still rigidly authoritarian rule of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, the Soviet police state underwent many changes.

Do you mean by police state?

A police state is a country in which the government controls people’s freedom by means of the police, especially secret police.

What are the 5 communist states?

As of February 2018, there are five countries that are called communist states. They are China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and North Korea.

What did the secret police do for Stalin?

NKVD activities. The main function of the NKVD was to protect the state security of the Soviet Union. This role was accomplished through massive political repression, including authorised murders of many thousands of politicians and citizens, as well as kidnappings, assassinations and mass deportations.

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Do you think the commune had a police state?

Of course, having a police state is neither necessary nor sufficient for being like an actually existing communist society. The Commune did not have one, neither insofar is they were communist, did the Nicaraguan the government under the Sandinistas.

Is there a police state under Marxist socialism?

Under Marxist socialism there has to be a Police State – in order to prevent Marxism being overthrown, and also to prevent private production and trade (“capitalistic acts between consenting adults”), for example to effectively enforce government control of all prices requires a “policeman behind every hedge and wall”.

Is there such a thing as communism?

If we identify communism with the ideas of Marx, the answer is No. In the Civil War in France, Marx describes what the workers in power did in the Paris commune of 1870–71, and one of the things that he approvingly points out about their policies was that they stripped the police of all political powers. Nor is this an isolated statement.

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What is the difference between State Police and police state?

Not to be confused with State police. A police state is a government that exercises power through the power of the police force. Originally, a police state was a state regulated by a civil administration, but since the beginning of the 20th century it has “taken on an emotional and derogatory meaning” by describing an undesirable state
